This is the kind of pet I could get on board with. This EcoSphere is completely self sustainable {no feeding, no walking, and no hair on the couch.} Here is the description from the Target website: “Hold a world in the palm of your hand. Developed by NASA, the EcoSphere is a complete, closed bio-regenerative ecological system, sealed in hand blown glass. Contains earth, water, air, and life (algae, shrimp, and microbes that provide each other with nutrients). All this 4 sphere needs to sustain itself is indirect sunlight.” {They sell these at Anthropologie too for double the price.}

April 30, 2007
That is such a nice thing to have in your home maybe in the kitchen or the living room I wish the price would go down on these…
April 30, 2007
I tried to buy one of these for a Christmas gift this last year. They were all sold out. Maybe they have more now…
April 30, 2007
i’ve planned on getting my husband one of these for about 6 years now. they’re so pretty. and cool, so we would both love it.
April 30, 2007
wow, that thing is cool… I’d love to have in my house for my kids to see.