My good friend Paul {not the husband} was telling me about these secret slides here in the city. Apparently they are super fast and Paul himself was wounded when he slid down. We are totally going this week. I’ll report back.

My good friend Paul {not the husband} was telling me about these secret slides here in the city. Apparently they are super fast and Paul himself was wounded when he slid down. We are totally going this week. I’ll report back.
March 13, 2007
I love this! I want to try it.
March 13, 2007
If these are the same slides I am thinking of you may need to bring a piece of cardboard and you go incredibly fast. They are so much fun!
March 13, 2007
ummm…where are these? i must go.
March 13, 2007
why have i never heard of this?
March 13, 2007
where are these????
March 13, 2007
March 13, 2007
Hmm. Paint me a skeptic.
March 13, 2007
Are you a skeptic about how fast they go or are you a skeptic about how much your life is going to change now that you know about these?
March 13, 2007
I think these are in Golden Gate Park in the childrens playground? I took my kids last year and saw some just like this. And yes, you need cardboard to go fast – there are usually scraps around the base of the slide
March 14, 2007
where in the park? i’m going asap.
March 15, 2007
they’re near the children’s playground; if you enter the park from the Haight at Stanyan and keep going straight, you run into them.
March 15, 2007
These slides aren’t in Golden Gate Park. They are near the Castro at Douglass/Seward Streets (near 17th). Just south of Market, climb up the hill on Douglass St. until you get to Seward. Make that right and soon you’ll see a park on the left-hand side. This is where you’ll find the concrete slides going down the hillside at least a couple storeys. Since sliding down concrete on your rear end isn’t such a hot idea, people have left slats of cardboard for anyone to use. It’s a fast ride, so if you go check it out, make sure not to get a concrete friction burn.
March 15, 2007
There’s another great, long, fast slide over in Berkeley, at Cordoneses (sp?) Park, across from the Rose Garden. Waxed paper is even better than cardboard 🙂
March 15, 2007
I’ve been on the Berkeley one with my nephew, cardboard (or jeans) is a good idea. It is something like Coternieces Park.
March 16, 2007
Sometimes I get sad when my little SF secrets get posted in Blogland… but these are fantastic slides. Been going here since I was a kid. Waaaay better than the ones in GG Park.
Matt // Le Blog Exuberance
March 16, 2007
I used to sleep in a home right near these slides, and I have many unhappy memories of being woken up after last call by drunken sliders. It sounded like they were having lots of fun; no hard feelings!
March 18, 2007
There is one like this in the Presidio, too. In that playground near the pond.
March 19, 2007
i grew up right around there, and the Secret Slides was one of my favorite spots. i always like to walk by when i’m home visiting family.
March 27, 2007
Jordan: I’m a skeptic that these exist. Secret slide in SF? Hmm.
Please prove me wrong.