I bought a bunch of antique French furniture right after we got married. Ever since last summer I’ve been wanting to sell some or part of it. But you have to keep on top of it and keep posting it on Craigslist. In the last few weeks I’ve been selling off everything piece by piece. It is good because it isn’t the most comfortable furniture I’ve ever sat in and after two years I’m sort of bored with the whole Victorian thing. Anyway, some guy is coming by tonight to look at these. They are my favorites and I’ll be sad to see them go.

ma vie en rose
March 9, 2007
They would look really amazingly fantastic if they were painted white and upholstered with some beautiful patterned fabric…like Josef Frank, for example.
March 21, 2007
i have those chairs. they were my great-grandmothers, and they are still in original condition. the favorite part of my house by far.