Wow! Thanks everyone for all the nice words. I finished my run. I’m a little sore now but I suspect I’ll be really sore when I wake up tomorrow. Running was the perfect way to start my birthday. The 5 mile marker was where Golden Gate Park meets the ocean, so I stopped for a second to stretch and take it all in. It was beautiful.
Last night Paul planned a little dinner party at a Thai restaurant we love. It was intimate and perfect.
January 17, 2007
Thanks again for dinner – I can still hear the birthday music playing…
nie nie
January 17, 2007
happy birthday. you are a wonderful woman!
January 17, 2007
Happy birthday Joooorrdan, hope you have a grand day!
Hey, now that you’re 27 don’t do a cartwheel without stretching- it may hurt!
January 18, 2007
Oh happy day, it’s your birthday!
January 18, 2007
Words that will never come out of my mouth: “Running was the perfect way to start my birthday.”
But you go girl! Hope you had a very splendid day–packed with potassium and presents. 🙂
January 18, 2007
Aww…happy belated birthday it looks like a wonderful setting. Congrats on your run.