I’ve wanted this necklace forever. I finally rationalized purchasing it and it is SOLD OUT. WHAATTTT!!! The designer has similar ones on her site, but who really cares about Kentucky anyway? So you can see my dilemma: My desire, nay my LONGING for this necklace has ONLY increased now that I can’t have it. Help! Savvy blog readers.. got an idea of how to find another one? A cheaper one? Make one? You have your goal: now aim for it! I should mention that gold will NOT do. IT MUST be SILVER! Also, I owe a friend a HUGE thank you.. and I like this one (esp. for someone with ties to NY and CA) but the price!! Any suggestions?

November 7, 2006
that is a tough one. i found gold ones all over the place. maybe you can email her directly?
Hatchet face
November 7, 2006
if you find a texas let me know. PS. Hi Emily, its Cameron, of Becca and Betsy fame. Good to see you finally putting that degree to use.
November 7, 2006
dear hatchet face. i know who you are. i stalk the internets and you muchos. Also I prefer to think of bets and bex as being of “cameron fame”, if you know what i mean. you can google “texas charm” and all sorts of ones come up.. none are as rad as this one (just as tex-ass is inferior to california) ;). I tried to get one of those metal bending folks at the mall to make one.. but they couldn’t figure out how much to charge.. and so, didn’t do it.