I really love this red and white fabric from the Casamidy website. It is a Mexican embroidered fabric. Domino featured a similiar fabric in a story this summer.
Design Sponge was on the hunt for it too this summer after she saw it in Cookie. There were a few leads there but the final verdict was that there is a ton of it in Mexico and she should just pick it up there. Ashlynn, one of my best friends is going to Mexico this weekend… I’ve asked her very nicely to buy some for me if she sees it. I want to turn it into a throw for our living room. Or maybe for the bed…
October 31, 2006
OK I printed it out – I will find some for you – how much if I do find it?
Design Mom
October 31, 2006
Ashlynn, just buy all the yardage you can carry and Jordan can sell any extra to her readers.
October 31, 2006
i am going to mexico in december, so i can look for it then too. but i am going to the touristy part of mexico, which means i will probably just bring you back some chicle and a big gaudy sombrero
October 31, 2006
anyone need anything from puerto rico?