We went to a really fun Halloween party on Saturday night. Costumes were mandatory so everyone was decked out. Paul and I went as Jackie O and JFK. I wore a rad dress Rebecca found at a thrift store and Paul wore a suit and a brown wig. The wig looked more like Donald Trump than JFK but it was only $15 so we weren’t picky. I needed a pillbox hat but didn’t have time to figure something out so I stuck with sunglasses, gloves, pearls and a clutch.

October 30, 2006
Definitely deserving of our ‘hostess choice’ award.
Hatchet face
October 30, 2006
Dressing as a kennedy is worse luck thank breaking a mirror while walking under a ladder every day for the rest of your life. Who was Ted?
October 30, 2006
Very cute! I definitely think Paul looks like Trump though…you could maybe pass as Melania. It’s a double costume!
October 30, 2006
You guys look great!
October 31, 2006
pauls hair was the best thing i had ever seen