I was in Anthropologie last night returning all the dresses I didn’t use for the gala last weekend. They have their new floorsets in. I am so stoked about this yellow couch. I sat in it a long time wishing it could be mine.

I was in Anthropologie last night returning all the dresses I didn’t use for the gala last weekend. They have their new floorsets in. I am so stoked about this yellow couch. I sat in it a long time wishing it could be mine.
liz s
September 13, 2006
really elegant, but it doesnt look very comfy
September 13, 2006
Liz, it is. I promise.
September 13, 2006
adorable! I love the combination of butter yellow, grey and white for a living room.
– Emily
September 13, 2006
I love that couch. But if you actually got it, I would never ever ever let you come over to my apartement because I would be so ashamed of all my free and hand me down furniture that I have cluttering up my place!!!
September 14, 2006
Don’t worry, I won’t get it. But as soon as I have a baby I’m putting all my nice stuff in a storage unit until my youngest turns 12.