I’ve been entertaining the idea of an extended trip to another country. Paul can paint from anywhere, the problem is I have no marketable skills that could easily be used in another country (where I don’t speak the language well). My friend gave me this website and was telling me how there are a million job opportunities for au pairs who are native english speakers. The au pair works a few hours a day and speaks english to the kids in trade for a place to stay, food, and french classes. I could do that for a while (sounds a little lame). Unfortunately, from what I’ve read most people want the au pair to be single. So in case anyone is single out there and wants an adventure look at all these classifieds.

September 5, 2006
Hope you find a suitable job and be able to fulfill your dream in another country.
September 5, 2006
pretty picture.
many of my american friends here are teachers, either of english, or in an international/american school. don’t know if teaching intrests you but i know people who got these jobs without having any prior teaching experience.
if you go somewhere like Geneva you will also find American companies (one of the big ones here is P&G) where they are happy to hire people that speak only english.
And if you can manage it, being a student for a year or two could be fun, in France even as an American you can get support from the state (they call it CAF) for things like rent if your total household income isn’t very high. It isn’t something that is looked down on like welfare in America.