Paul sent me this. I thought it was funny. Meet the Lullabub Crib Rocker. It makes the crib shake like a moving car so your baby goes right to sleep.
Paul sent me this. I thought it was funny. Meet the Lullabub Crib Rocker. It makes the crib shake like a moving car so your baby goes right to sleep.
August 1, 2006
That is sweet; although since I have no kids maybe it is just silly.
August 1, 2006
we have a friend who swears by those for their baby girl!
August 1, 2006
these are brilliant, though with the n-judan rocking our houses all night long, we probably don’t need them
August 1, 2006
Is anyone else concerned they would malfunction and instead of gentle rocking it would just shake the helpless baby around!?! Maybe I’m just paranoid but those look scary.