My husband and my friends can attest, I have an unhealthy obsession with bird themed objects. I was so stoked when I saw this little Pottery Barn Teen mirror on Outblush. I also am in love with this branch/bird hook. Paul says their can’t be more than ten bird themed objects in our apartment, and I’m nearing my cap.

August 1, 2006
love this. if you won’t use it, i may steal it.
August 1, 2006
I want that branch hook.
Maybe I’ll try to eat less this month so that I can buy it.
I saw the pic of you wearing the gold bird necklace on New Awesome and think it looks really cool.
Birds are cool
August 1, 2006
I didn’t know you were into birds! I just picked up an issue of Domino on your recommendation. It’s great.
August 1, 2006
oh WOW. those are adorable!
nie nie
August 1, 2006
I love birds too!
August 1, 2006
you know Jordan, I think I may have extra birds from my halloween costume if you want them…
August 1, 2006
i want that branch hook too! but i also might want a blue wall, and i don’t think that is going to happen
August 1, 2006
I used to live with a family by the name of Bird. She liked to collect bird items as well, but unfortunately her husband never capped her…I won’t even try to guess the number of birds inside that house in Idaho, but I could see the mirror and the hooks making their way there some day.