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Ice Bowls 2

I was thinking about the ice bowls idea again last night and I remembered reading either in Martha or Real Simple last month that if you want the ice to be without impurities, you have to use distilled water that has been boiled first.

I’ve tried Martha’s version of the ice bowl but mine wasn’t clear and pretty. I’m interested to try the distilled water idea to see if that works.

  1. Design Mom

    July 20, 2006

    Don’t ice bowls make for table with puddles?

  2. jordan

    July 20, 2006

    Not if it’s “artfully set on a woven leek mat to absorb any water.”

    You would have to do something to catch the water, but it doesn’t melt too fast.

  3. Design Mom

    July 20, 2006

    The next million dollar idea: woven leek mats

  4. michelle

    July 20, 2006

    Or, I wonder if you could put it on a piece of felt that is cut to fit the bottom of the bowl. You could double-up on the felt and pick either an accent color or something to fade away with the ice (white) or your table/table cloth… would that work? Or what about those super towels that they give to campers or travelers? What fabric is that stuff made of?

  5. Sara

    July 20, 2006

    Are we talking about the life of ice bowls? It is freaking 115 degrees outside. These would last like 7 minutes.

    When I throw a party I just want a pretty bowl. I don’t want the dripping bowl to give me one more thing to think about.

    But I’d love to go to your party with ice bowls. Then it is your dripping bowl and all I think is: “Oh, that’s so pretty. Why don’t I ever do things like that at my parties…?”

  6. jordan

    July 20, 2006

    Well if I lived in St. George I would make a giant ice bowl and live in it.

  7. Sara

    July 20, 2006

    Again, 7 minutes.

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