This picture is from the June 2006 Issue of Domino. I love this ironing board cover. I love the whole set up, it makes me want to do laundry.

This picture is from the June 2006 Issue of Domino. I love this ironing board cover. I love the whole set up, it makes me want to do laundry.
June 15, 2006
Jordan thats it, I’m finally going to listen to you and I’m buying Domino tomorrow!
June 20, 2006
Jordan I saw the hamper in the magazine 2-page spread – it is the same design…by Two’s Company. That is the company that made the clock I gave you – I really like it. Anyway – they had zip lock bags with this pattern I almost bought them for you but didn’t know if you would like them since they were plastic rather than fabric or paper!