I made mini-cupcakes this weekend from scratch. They were really yummy. I got the cake recipe from this Birthday Cakes book. And I got the creamcheese frosting recipe from Martha.
Here are pictures of how cute they are.
I made mini-cupcakes this weekend from scratch. They were really yummy. I got the cake recipe from this Birthday Cakes book. And I got the creamcheese frosting recipe from Martha.
Here are pictures of how cute they are.
May 30, 2006
that is the cutest thing i have ever seen. i hope you packed some in your cupcake protector for paul this morning to take to work
May 30, 2006
As a matter of fact I brought one with me to work today.
By the way I tried to take some over to your house yesterday but als, no one was home. They are still sitting in a little box for you guys.
May 30, 2006
yesss! we might have been asleep in front of a romantic comedy. that happens sometimes.
May 30, 2006
I forgot to say that I added a little raspberry extract to the frosting. It was delicious.
June 1, 2006
I like your straight hair in the picture. My hair lady blew out my hair the other night and when Maude saw it the next morning she gasped and said, “Mom, you look way better with straight hair!”
I’ve tried to straighten it twice since with no luck. What’s the big secret?
June 2, 2006
That photo was taken about 3 hours after I had left the hairdresser where I got a trim and she blew out my hair. Its hard for me to recreate.