We have some big news over here! I’ve brought on a partner to acquire the Oh Happy Day Party Shop and the Oh Happy Day line of Party Supplies. I’ve known Natalie and Jake Bowman for over eight years and they are the perfect people to pass this baton to. They’ve moved the warehouse from our office to the thriving (and adorable) city of Tacoma, Washington where they will continue to run the Oh Happy Day Party Shop and develop new and exciting party products with the Oh Happy Day wholesale party line. I’ll still be involved on the sidelines and am still a partial owner but they will infuse it with new energy to take it to the next level (it’s been not running at its full capacity the last 2.5 years with Color Factory commandeering a lot of my time). I will still continue to own and run the Oh Happy Day brand, the website and the social media accounts. (We’re currently planning a new website and content with a new Editor to launch soon!) Separately I will also continue on as the Chief Creative Officer at Color Factory which is growing like crazy. By transitioning these parts of Oh Happy Day I’ll be able to clear my plate for a “part-time sabbatical” this year as well as eventually I’ll be freed up to do new projects.
- Oh Happy Day will continue on as a Media Company and Brand that will slightly adjust its mission. It will still have an entertaining bent but we’ve been working really hard to make a plan to redesign, restructure and refresh for the way the internet is going. I don’t want to share too much, but I hired a new Editor who has an incredible eye and I’m very excited.
- The Party Shop and Party Products will continue to run under the direction of Natalie and Jake and we’re in the middle of lots of plans of new things to launch soon.
- Color Factory still takes up most of my time but last Fall we brought on a new CEO and partners to run the logistical side and now I’m acting as the CCO. It’s been amazing to be solely focused on the creative aspects. It’s changed everything for me and I’m really excited about our next projects.
- On a personal note, I am taking a bit of a break this year to spend time with my family, to travel and recharge. I’ll still be working about 20 hours a week on CF + Party Shop + OHD but I’m going to work on a lot of personal goals: I want to go back to school, spend lots of time with my husband and children, read lots of books, learn to sail, and see if my body remembers how to exercise–ha! I’m trying to focus on things that I always wanted to do but couldn’t/didn’t prioritize because of work.

Jessica Doll
June 25, 2019
Congrats Jordan! This is a huge transition for you and I’m so glad that you’ll be able to put some focus back into yourself after pouring your heart out into these projects for so long. I can’t wait to see everything grow. <3
June 25, 2019
Wow! What a big move for you! I hope that you get everything you want out of this next year and find the most meaningful path. ❤️❤️
Erin Fritts
June 25, 2019
Wow!!! Congratulations on life. I’m sure you will come back with a head full of inspiration and ideas! ?
Robin K
June 25, 2019
Wow! I’m happy for you????
June 25, 2019
Congrats! There’s one thing I’ve wanted to ask: there’s been an awesome creative crew behind Oh Happy Day (loved the introductions that you did with the Xmas card) but I haven’t seen any of those names or faces behind the posts for a long time. It almost feels like some of my favorite bloggers left without saying goodbye. Were all those people part of the party line and shop, or will there be any of the old faces still working for the media part of OHD?
Great question! Oh Happy Day got put on the back burner the last few years while I worked on Color Factory and didn’t get the attention it deserved. Most of the people from Oh Happy Day left or moved over to Color Factory last year. I feel very lucky we will only have to lay off two people with this acquisition and I’m doing my best to take care of them and get them well-placed in new jobs. I’m lucky I’ve been able to work with such loyal and talented people through the last 14 years. It’s been one of the hardest and most fulfilling parts of growing Oh Happy Day. But I’m very much looking forward to having a very small team. 🙂
June 25, 2019
Killer! Good for you! You’ve worked so hard over the years (been a reader since the early days). I’m excited to see what this will free you up to do next! Congrats
June 25, 2019
Longtime lover of OHD and Tacoma resident, here! Welcome to T-Town- we’re so happy you’re joining us.
June 25, 2019
Hooray for you! Please please tell me that the archives of your blog aren’t going anywhere – I still visit them for so many styling and travel references.
Me tooooo!
June 25, 2019
Congratulations! Such exciting news!!
June 25, 2019
Congrats! I’m a huge fan and will continue to follow your companies and wish you much success! You’re such an inspiration! I hope you keep sharing bits about your life and artistic projects with us your fans. Best of luck to you!
Kristen Wade
June 25, 2019
You are so awesome Jordan. I can’t wait to see what’s next. It takes a big person to be able to let go of the reigns and let other people run with your project babies and there is a lot of wisdom in that. hope to see you around the world somewhere!
June 26, 2019
I love this for y’all!!! Sometimes you just deserve a break!!
June 26, 2019
Oh man…I am SO EXCITED and proud of you!!!! Great choices!!!!!
Rosa M
June 26, 2019
Congratulations Jordan! Sometimes you just need a break and you deserve it!! Have a nice trip with your beautiful family ♥️
June 26, 2019
Congratulations. So happy for you and your family. All the hard work and stress is paying off. We all win with this because new things will inspire us with your talents!
June 26, 2019
Good for you. Happy sabbatical.
June 27, 2019
What exciting news! Looking forward to following along on your family adventures, and the adventures of the party shop as they move to my town!! Welcome to Tacoma, can’t wait to hear more!
June 28, 2019
I don’t throw that many parties, and usually tend toward ecofriendly options, but I always loved your real life posts, especially your Paris posts back in the day. Thank you for all of those insightful and inspiring gems!
July 1, 2019
Yay! I’ve been following your journey close to the start and am thankful you’re sharing it with us! It’s been fun to see you grow and evolve – a lot of people don’t share and just present an end-result – but sharing is more magical 🙂