by Chiara Alberetti Milott
My friend Kate recently celebrated her daughter Scarlet’s 1st birthday. We wanted to do a photobooth especially for kids – and she came up with this cute hot air balloon idea. After gathering supplies, we sort of winged-it and with the help of Kate’s Dad, we managed to fashion a sweet little hot air balloon for the kids to “ride in.”

Continue reading for complete instructions and more photos.
Materials needed: a laundry basket, a roll of blue paper, a 36-in balloon, helium, 36 feet of heavy yarn (or lightweight rope would work too), a scissors and tape or a staple-gun.
Step 1: Begin by inflating your balloon (make sure you will be able to get it though any doorways if you are setting it up somewhere other than your final spot!). Temporarily tie the balloon down to something heavy (we used a tea kettle positioned in the laundry basket) so you will be able to adjust and fiddle with the yarn as you tie it. Make an ‘x’ over the top of your balloon, with enough yarn to go over the ballon and down to the basket. Tie it to the basket at four corners, leaving an opening in on the front side so you will be able to see the kids’ faces as they sit in the basket.
Step 2: Take another length of yarn and begin tying knots AROUND the top third of the balloon, attaching it to the existing ‘x’.
Step 3: Repeat this step, only this time do it around the middle of the balloon. You may have to wiggle and adjust your yarn, so don’t tie your knots too tight at this point.

Step 4: Drape some yarn from the middle knots so they create some swag from knot to knot. Tighten up knots and trim any excess yarn.
Step 5: Roll out your paper floor to ceiling, and then on the floor. This is a two-person job, so grab a buddy. Depending on your floor and wall, use tape or staples to secure the paper to the surface.
Step 6: Carefully help kids in and out of the balloon basket ~ and make sure they don’t pull too hard on the yarn (very tempting for kids)! We also put two pillows in the basket to make it more cushy, and since we set this up outside and were nervous about the balloon flying up and away, we tied an extra piece of yarn from the balloon to the side of the building. We staple-gunned it to the wall and since it was directly behind the balloon, you can’t see it in the pictures.
I also enlarged, color-copied and cut out some vintage bird illustrations, and made a paper banner that read “Scarlet’s First Birthday!” I spray-glued these and stuck them on the background once everything else was in place. You could also just cut out big white paper clouds to give the illusion that the balloon is floating high in the sky.
Kate also followed Jordan’s tutorial for DIY party hats, and made a gorgeous two-tiered pink ombre cake. She used Liberty-inspired paper plates, napkins and cups from IKEA, and served quiche, yogurt, granola and honey. Peonies provided the perfect pink touch.
It was all so very sweet and lovely, even the chaos that ensued when we tried to get ALL the kids in a group shot. Happy 1st Birthday, Baby Scarlet!
Top six photos by Kate Mathis.
The New Diplomats Wife
May 31, 2012
this is adorable – i could also see using this for an “up, up, and away” going away party – will definitely bookmark!
May 31, 2012
So, so cute! I don’t have kiddos yet, but am definitely going to store this idea for when I do 🙂
May 31, 2012
Such a cute idea!
Lexy @ The Proper Pinwheel
May 31, 2012
What a fantastic first birthday! That balloon is stunning and seems super easy to pull off. I’m scheming for when I have kids!
Erika ~TiptoeButterfly~
May 31, 2012
IN love with this idea!
Promo Logo Mugs
May 31, 2012
oh my word, this is the cutest thing ever. they are adorable!!!
May 31, 2012
LOVE this! super cute, we did a circus theme for our first’s but will have to remember this for a future use. Thanks for sharing!!
May 31, 2012
Brilliant! I wonder if this might work for my niece’s 6th birthday party. Thanks so much for the inspiration!
May 31, 2012
I LOVE THIS! I bet the kids loved it. I want a picture in that hot air balloon.
LARY@ Inspiration Nook
May 31, 2012
This is awesome! How creative 🙂
Rebecca - A Daily Something
May 31, 2012
I want to do a grown up version 😉 This is great!!!
May 31, 2012
I had this idea in my “idea” folder on my desktop for at least 10 years. I remember the original picture so well!
May 31, 2012
There is nothing I don’t like about this. What a sweet idea!
May 31, 2012
Just amazing!!!!
Margaret, Enrout
May 31, 2012
How cute!
Fun Fun
May 31, 2012
May 31, 2012
one of the cuter things i’ve ever seen!
xo the egg out west.
May 31, 2012
Someone just tweeted me and said I should check out this post! We just hosted a hot air balloon themed first birthday for my son Arlo on Monday. My husband had a different take on a hot air balloon photobooth – but I LOVE this version too. So clever 🙂 Check out Arlo’s party here:
May 31, 2012
Adorable. And now I want cake.
Maria @ Busy as a Bee in Paris
May 31, 2012
darling idea!
May 31, 2012
my favorite photo booth idea yet. SO cute. must do.
May 31, 2012
I saw this on Pinterest. Balloon photo booth is so adorable! I love it! Thank you for sharing 🙂
May 31, 2012
I just died of happiness seeing this! SO CUTE! Love it!
nicole i
May 31, 2012
a-dor-a-ble. yikes.
Pink Ronnie
May 31, 2012
What an adorable idea! You guys are brilliant.
Ronnie xo
May 31, 2012
So beautiful, I’m looking to do a grown up photo booth for my friends party. Thanks for the great inspiration!
May 31, 2012
A photobooth for kiddies…this is adorable! I love the idea and creativity! 🙂
June 1, 2012
So super cute! I love this idea!!
Mini Piccolini
June 1, 2012
Love this!
June 1, 2012
That’s just amazing. I hope when I will be a mum I will be so full of great idea!!
June 1, 2012
Amazing the visit was worth…
June 1, 2012
Awesome! I love it!
Lindsay - ShopEllaLou
June 1, 2012
This is one of the most fun (and age-appropraite) first birthday celebrations I’ve seen. So creative! Thanks for the tutorial!
mum of all trades
June 2, 2012
such a fantastic idea for a photoshoot,the colours and everything work so well.
June 3, 2012
very nice
June 3, 2012
Amanda | Little Door On The Sound
June 4, 2012
Blown away by this!! And I’m completely obsessed with hot air balloons, I might add.
Phoenix Child Care
June 4, 2012
This is too cute!!! Love this idea!!!
June 4, 2012
I want an adult size version of this!!!!
June 5, 2012
This is such a wonderful idea for a birthday party! I’m impressed.