When I first saw the Canon Powershot G7 I liked the “classic design.” Apparently it has some good guts too. Is it bad that I like electronics based on how they look?
When I first saw the Canon Powershot G7 I liked the “classic design.” Apparently it has some good guts too. Is it bad that I like electronics based on how they look?
December 14, 2006
No, it’s not bad. I like shiny objects as well and it’s pretty much based on whether or not it fits my personality based on looks alone.
Maybe I need some professional counseling.
December 14, 2006
No. Things should only be made that have good “guts” and good design as well. 🙂
December 14, 2006
No, then Jared wouldn’t have a job.
December 14, 2006
I love that camera for those same two reasons.