I am so swamped. The thing about events is there is a lot of down time but when it rains it POURS!! I’m in the mode of working late and through lunch. 🙁
In the mean time here is a pretty centerpiece. I love the bright reds. If you are on a budget, monochromatic is the way to go. You get the most dramatic effect for your buck. Imagine the votives were yellow or some other color…it just wouldn’t have the same effect. {Photo from Brides.com}
Hayan Design
August 29, 2006
Pretty love that centerpiece too. I put it in my blog a couple of weeks ago. One question.. Which movie with amazing interiors do you love?
liz s
August 29, 2006
sorry you’re so busy!
August 30, 2006
This is a beautiful idea, surrounded by chilies 🙂