All parties should have long tables and twinkly lights. Have a good weekend guys. Babble links below. Photo by Robert & Kathleen Photographers via Pinterist
I also write for Here are my picks for this week.
These are gorgeous! I’ve never seen anything like them.
10 Best tried and true Ikea items for kids. What am I missing?
I just did most of my Christmas shopping at this sale.
Shanna Murray is a genius. (A genius I want to give all my money to.)
Moses is getting this for Christmas. (Let’s be honest, its more for me.)
Baby Gear that is pretty much art. I regret not getting this.
November 19, 2010
I love this picture. Have a wonderful weekend.
Mary in Alabama
Erika @ ~TiptoeButterfly~
November 19, 2010
that pic is MAGICAL!!!!!!!!!
November 19, 2010
This is my dream table setting!
November 19, 2010
So pretty and I love those bowling pins!
November 19, 2010
Oh my. This is so dreamy. It's like an enchanted forest table setting. I love it.
November 19, 2010
that's exactly where i wanted to be today. simply magical.
rachel lee
November 20, 2010
K, this is what I want my wedding to look like 🙂
November 20, 2010
What a wonderful place for lovers.
November 20, 2010
O' great! that looks like thousands stars falling at once on earth… would love to be there!
Charlie Davis
November 21, 2010
Wow! Just perfect.
November 22, 2010
Such a gorgeous photo! I would love to have a party like this someday. It looks magical!
Flotsam Friends
November 22, 2010
Oh wow that shot under the trees is insane. That's where I'd like to be for Christmas thanks! Pruxxx
November 22, 2010
I love this picture… long tables are my weakness….
katie kirby
November 23, 2010
Really beautiful setting!
November 23, 2010
gads i adore the lights!
simone leblanc
November 23, 2010
agreed twinkling lights and long tables are a must have!
November 24, 2010
I love it! Its so delicate, beautiful and very relaxing to have one on the table. Flowers really are one lovely inexpensive decoration to have than any fabulous decor.
shaman account for sale