Check out the darling derby themed birthday party my friend Fergi did for her daughter Arden. At the end they brought in a pony for pony rides. I love this party because it is really thoughtful and cute but it doesn’t come off feeling contrived. Beautiful party Fergi!

November 15, 2010
this is amazing.
November 15, 2010
Flotsam Friends
November 15, 2010
I adore this idea. And you're right, it's not over the top, it has a day at the races feel but a day at the "country" races. Pruxxx
Courtney Price ~ Vintage Ginger Peaches
November 15, 2010
WOW, very cool!
November 15, 2010
So so sweet. Will have to keep this in mind for my niece's 5th birthday party!
Rice Mama
November 15, 2010
The setting is beautiful — can you tell us where the party was held?
kate @ another donkey design
November 15, 2010
super cute and great photos to.
November 15, 2010
What a fun party! I have a few of those horse ribbons and I love them dearly.
November 15, 2010
its beautiful! i love the table scape.
i'm zandri
November 16, 2010
Love the ribbons in the trees. So gorgeous
B. Inspired.
November 16, 2010
What a great party! I love Fergie's outfit so much! So cute!
size too small
November 16, 2010
so cute! such a great party idea.
November 16, 2010
What a sweet party, I especially love the ribbons in the trees!
Coordinately Yours
November 16, 2010
What a unique idea!
Becka @ Life as an Artistpreneur
November 16, 2010
AH! I must do this one day! When I was little my family always had a derby day party and we would all get to "bet" on the horses. Happy memories! 🙂
heidi adnum
November 17, 2010
Love this!
November 22, 2010
I just melted. This is too cute. The details are so thought out.
November 30, 2010