After the Falls we flew to Salvador, Bahia. I lived in Bahia for a year and a half when I was a missionary for my church. Part of the time here was spent site seeing and the other part was spent seeing old friends. We stayed in a darling hostel in Pelourinho (that yellow building below.) I started laughing when I looked through my pictures because most of them are of me eating something. Oh man I’ve been craving some of that food for 8 years!

July 16, 2009
I stayed at that same hostel! Love seeing photos from Brasil!
July 16, 2009
: )
July 16, 2009
ahh acaraje and agua de coco!! I can imagine how happy some of those people were to see you.. I used to hear about you all the time!
July 16, 2009
We're taking a trip to my hubs' mish in October… this is making me SO excited! I love the flag pic and all the food looks WAY yummy!
Fancy Nancy Chronicles
July 16, 2009
Hi… our son is leaving for a mission in Sao Paulo soon! ;')
The pics you took, did you use a Holga camera?
Loved them all!
seesaw designs
July 16, 2009
Those flags are really lovely. Glad you enjoyed your trip and got to eat some of that yummy food.
July 16, 2009
Ahh the beaches and the colorful architecture, what a treat!
Jane Flanagan
July 16, 2009
Lovely photos. I love the ones of you holding out various foods to us. You should travel the world doing that!
Marisa Midori
July 16, 2009
Beautiful photos! Makes me want to travel so badly. What kind of film did you use in your holga?
July 16, 2009
hum, queijo de coalho. i miss that too
July 16, 2009
your blog is fantastique! xx – kate
Avian |
July 16, 2009
I love those flags in the last picture!!
Sarah S
July 16, 2009
you make it look like soo much fun! thanks for sharing!!!
July 16, 2009
what fabulous pictures. you've got such a great eye.
July 17, 2009
colourful flags…how fun!!!and coconut drink…yummm
July 17, 2009
Brazilian food is my absolute favorite! Capirinha's, feijoada, farofa, YUM YUM YUM!!! I'm glad you had a great vacay! I'm totally jeals— I've been to Brazil 3 times but haven't visited since 03!
July 17, 2009
mmm what's in that fried sandwich looking thing?
July 17, 2009
Legal! Entao vai me entender..
Sou brasileira, designer, faz tempo que sigo seu blog atraves do Google Reader, e quando vi que tambem eh da igreja fiquei contente! Bom saber que tem pessoas que acreditam nas mesmas coisas que eu, e que tambem gostam de design!
TUTU Monkey
July 19, 2009
I just love your blog…always lifts me up!!
July 19, 2009
hi… just dropping by!
July 19, 2009
My sis-in-law's mom is from Brazil. It's such a beautiful place.
How is it that I've been following your blog for quite a while now and just now find out that you're lds?!
July 21, 2009
Question….aren't Mormons not suppose to show their shoulders and anything higher than your knee? Do you follow that or not?
July 21, 2009
Not when I'm at the beach!
July 22, 2009
I need to go there. Now. Thanks for sharing; beautiful.
July 24, 2009
beautiful photos!!! Would love to take a vaca to Brasil on day.
j. vorwaller
July 31, 2009
Hey Jordan! How cool that you are a return missionary – I just found your blog and I'm LDS too, 🙂
My family and I lived in South America a couple years ago and went to Rio & Iguazu too – seeing your gorgeous pictures really brought me back!
raquel raney
August 11, 2009
that thing you are about to it?! what is it. i think i want one. (: