It is a rainy and grey day here in San Francisco but my calendar says March so in my book it is springtime. These pictures from a flower market in Paris are just what I need to distract myself. Kari Herer sells the prints in her etsy shop.
It is a rainy and grey day here in San Francisco but my calendar says March so in my book it is springtime. These pictures from a flower market in Paris are just what I need to distract myself. Kari Herer sells the prints in her etsy shop.
March 2, 2009
Thank you for proving these lovely pics. as I haeev come in from the third time of shoveling a foot of snow. Now the car is clean 😉
Petit Elefant
March 2, 2009
Ah San Francisco. You’re making me swoon a little this morning Jordan. Utah is a little too grey today.
March 2, 2009
this makes me want to go out and get some lovely new flowers for my house
Jane Flanagan
March 2, 2009
Oh, the ranunculus! Happy March Jordan!
March 2, 2009
bring on the blossoms!
March 2, 2009
oh i love the first and the last photos! the crocus’s have just started springing up here, it makes me very happy 🙂
stacy di
March 2, 2009
beautiful!…a girl can dream…it’s snowing here.
Joanna Goddard
March 2, 2009
March 3, 2009
Mmm I love the last picture! Thank you for the light!
March 3, 2009
so beautiful! these flowers just brightened my day.