The economy has been on my mind a lot these days. If you haven’t heard these two programs from This American Life yet, I recommend them. They spell out very clearly what happened with the housing market and what is happening with the bailout.
This one is about the Housing Market.
This one is about the Bailout.
photo via Flickr
November 14, 2008
These two episodes of This American Life really gave me a lot of perspective on the depth of this event. I think it’s going to be one that our children’s children speak of in their time.
November 14, 2008
good find. i can’t wait to listen to them. thank you.
November 14, 2008
love TAL! great stuff.
November 14, 2008
oooo. i know what i’ll be listening to on my solo road trip tomorrow. thanks.
November 14, 2008
I love NPR too!!! Thanks for the post!!!
November 14, 2008
I love TAL and haven’t heard these recordings yet. A good weekend activity – thanks for pointing them out!
rebekah at elizabeth anne
November 14, 2008
Weren’t both of those shows fantastic?
November 15, 2008
I hate to admit that I don’t know as much as I should. I will definitely give these a listen. Thanks!
November 16, 2008
Ive been afraid to listen….ignorance is still bliss, isn’t it?
Alice Q. Foodie
November 19, 2008
I happened to hear one on the radio and listened to the other online – they really are fantastic and informative! Looking forward to hearing more about your upcoming projects and PYT club memberships!
November 19, 2008
i’ve been out of the bloggerland loop for the last 2 weeks but i was totally listening to the housing market radiocast on npr last friday. so interesting and it made everything make sense.
Design Gal
November 19, 2008
I love this american life! These were great broadcasts!
November 20, 2008
I’ve been doing just that, saving my pennies (and dollars). You’d be surprised how much it adds up after a few weeks. My husband and I have managed to save hundreds of dollars this year in this way.