I had been wanting to see the Frida Kahlo exhibit at the SF MOMA since it opened so when some friends invited me to go with them today I jumped at the chance. I really enjoyed it, although it was packed. Frida and Diego seemed to really have a volatile relationship, I feel bad for them. This piece is called Moses.

July 21, 2008
have you read the biography of her by hayden herrera? it’s extremely interesting. their relationship was volatile, but i think there was an understanding between them that a lot of couples don’t have. they were both such BIG PERSONALITIES, y’know?
July 22, 2008
can i just say..you are my favorite person. thank you for doing a blog. i love your style..originality..and class.
can’t wait to see you on martha.
July 22, 2008
I adore Frida, was so disappointed not to see the exhibit while in town for Blogher. I arrived here from your comment at Jennster re the Blogher dustup.
You were spot on in your comment. Love your blog!
July 22, 2008
volatile yes; but between them… they still inspired some of most beautiful works of art.
July 23, 2008
I saw it too. I wanted to know more about her life, so I bought a book from the gift shop. I am fascinated with her, and I pity her. I appreciate her style & therapeutic expression, but it was also a bit disturbing.
July 28, 2008
I love Frida. I live in Mexico City, in Coyoacán, a few blocks from the place where she lived with Diego. It is a museum now and it’s amazing. It’s called La casa azul. I think next month I’ll write a post about it in my blog so you can read it 🙂
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