Pinterest is do a “30 Days of Pinsperation” campaign and asked me to make a board. I love Pinterest and feel so lucky I got to work with them since I’m clearly out of my league here. You can check out my board here (I’m day 23) and the whole campaign right here.
Chloe Moon
January 3, 2013
Oooo!! I’m addicted to Pinterest but I never clicked on the 30 Days icon yet!! I will do that first thing when I get home! =) Thanks for the future inspiration!
Ergo – Blog
January 3, 2013
That’s awesome!
Moorea Seal
January 3, 2013
I was featured too! And obviously, I as well feel WAY out of my league next to Dr Oz and SF MOMA. I was so happy to see you on there too as your blog is one of my favorites. Congrats!
xo Moorea
January 3, 2013
May I say that you are SO not out of your league! Your posts always inspire me, and I could not be happier for you! Must check it out 🙂
January 3, 2013
Congrats that is such a cool thing to be a part of!
Molly {Dreams in HD}
January 4, 2013
congratulations!! that is absolutely amazing you were involved, and love your board 🙂
January 4, 2013
I second Moorea! Don’t be silly – your DIYs are always so fun and original and presented in such a gorgeous way!
January 4, 2013
Congrats- that is awesome! Off to go repin half your board! 🙂
Brittany Kay
January 4, 2013
You are the perfect person to create a board! I’ve been following the 30 days because there are some really great designers featured!. Congratulations!
January 5, 2013
OMG Congratulations! This is so so great! I’ve been spying that page during the month of december!
I’m happy for you!
Your site is great! XO
Gopal Iyer
January 6, 2013
Thanks for the information. I will check out your board. I love Pinterest
January 8, 2013
You are KILLING It! So awesome to see you over there!