Here is the finished product of the shower invitations I made last week. I like giving invitations in boxes. It is like getting a present. I printed the names of the the recipient on the outside and inside are the printed cards and some bright yellow Lemonheads. The back of the box has a little quote that I really like. I got some fun pictures of the assembly process below. It was like a sea of Lemonheads…

April 23, 2007
These are seriously cute and sophisticated at the same time!
Jennifer Leal
April 23, 2007
These are amazing Jordan! What inspired you to fill the box with jelly beans?
April 23, 2007
wow … those are amazing! how fabulous!
April 23, 2007
Those are absolutely beautiful!
April 23, 2007
very creative with the box, and the lemonheads to top off the gorgeous invite! makes the invitation fun!
April 23, 2007
wow, just perfect!
Miss Sassy
April 23, 2007
With an invitation like this, who could resist the party? How beautiful.
April 23, 2007
These are absolutely exquisite!
Blue House Mom
April 23, 2007
Gorgeous! Great idea with the lemonheads.
Blue House Mom
April 23, 2007
Gorgeous! Great idea with the lemonheads.
Blue House Mom
April 23, 2007
Gorgeous! Great idea with the lemonheads.
Blue House Mom
April 23, 2007
Gorgeous! Great idea with the lemonheads.
April 23, 2007
I hope you are still making these when my daughter gets married.
Creole Wisdom
April 23, 2007
Heaven help me, those are divine. You are full of such great ideas!!!!
April 23, 2007
You are great! My best friend sent me a link to your blog about 2 weeks ago, and ever since, I’ve just been addicted! Your ideas are GREAT! Anyway, just wanted to say that I adore your stuff and pretty things! Thanks!
April 23, 2007
What a great idea, I have never seen lemonheads look so cute!
liz s
April 23, 2007
so awesome! stunning!
April 23, 2007
Great work!
April 23, 2007
You come up with the best ideas. Thanks for sharing them! How fun it would be to receive one of your invitations!
April 23, 2007
lemon heads are my favorite candy— this is amazing and wonderful.
April 23, 2007
I’m so spoiled Jordan. Now you have to get knocked-up so I can repay the favor.
Jamie Meares
April 23, 2007
i don’t mean to be the dissenting voice at all! i’m just wondering — if they are mailed with the lemonheads, is there any worry that they’ll melt and stick to the invite and get messy?
April 23, 2007
Lemonheads aren’t very perishable… I would have no qualms about mailing this invitation. Although to save on shipping I hand delivered most of them.
Ada Chef
April 23, 2007
Wow. You are beyond awesome.
I love lemonheads too.
April 23, 2007
Stunning! The lemonheads are beyond even Martha. Oh yes I said it.
April 23, 2007
simply stunning. i believe the invitation is the beginning statement of the whole event.
you are going to wow them all. lovely lemoney presentation. way to run with a theme!
April 23, 2007
These are awesome. You are so creative! I love yellow and I love the lemonheads. Do you mind sharing where you bought the boxes?
April 23, 2007
Very pretty job! 🙂
I would love to attend a shower like that! 🙂 I’m sure the actual party is going to be just beautiful!
April 23, 2007
So beautiful! Quick question, what does the saying on the back read? [Just in case I wanted to totally copy your amazing idea! 🙂 ]
April 23, 2007
These invites are fantastic. I am so impressed!
April 23, 2007
robin k
April 23, 2007
Absolutely gorgeous and original.
April 23, 2007
Okay, I’m outting myself as a reader of this blog. I don’t even remember how I came across it, but I’m obsessed!
The invites are beautiful, but the real reason I’m posting is to ask who makes the yellow cardigan you posted from MS Weddings. I looked at her site and wasn’t able to find anything.
Anyway, this blog is in my top 5 things I read every a.m. Thanks, Jordan!
April 23, 2007
Those are absolutely gorgeous but you already knew that! You are amazning. Your designs inspire.
April 23, 2007
I love the lemonhead idea. What a beautiful post!
April 23, 2007
You already know that I love these – I told you how coolio you are even when you try not to be.
I did want to say that your grandma’s blog is sweet! How awesome to have video’s of her! Love it! Who does it?
April 23, 2007
Ok, so I read every day for a bit of inspiration, but never comment, but these … wow … just had to say it. Wow.
April 23, 2007
This invites are truly amazing. I can’t wait for your letterpress website to get going. Maybe you could put up pictures of past projects you have completed, like this one.
Queen Scarlett
April 23, 2007
Wow! who needs Martha when they can have you. How lucky to be your friend… how lucky to learn from you!
April 23, 2007
These are absolutely beautiful! I especially love the quote you put on the back. How do you come up with the amazing things you come up with?!
{I’m Rachel C.’s little sis btw. She got me addicted to your blog a few months back :D}
At Home with kim vallee
April 23, 2007
A baby shower invite with a WOW factor. Great job!
It inspired me to write a post about your work and the importance of having an unusual invite for your party.
April 23, 2007
Soooo Adorable…Love it,love it,love it!
April 23, 2007
jordan those are a-maz-ing! i love them. you are so stinkin talented!!!
April 24, 2007
great idea! tempting guest not only with eye-candy (gorgeous invites, btw!) but also with actual candy! i LOVE it! oh, how i wish i was invited! thank you for the great inspiration!!! =D
April 24, 2007
I dont think I have commented here before but just had to say how wonderful these invitations are – wish I was on the mailing list!
April 24, 2007
When guests receive a FABULOUS invitation like yours, does that mean they bring FABULOUS gifts?
April 24, 2007
stunning!! love love love these! 🙂
April 24, 2007
wow what an idea. I wish I could be as creative as you are. Wonderful work..congrats…
April 25, 2007
wow! there is nothing I can say, that hasn’t already been said. these are amazing! i can’t even imagine how someone would feel, to get this invitation in the mail. i would be absolutely floored. it is beautiful. you are obviously very very talented.
April 25, 2007
I love them. I totally agree about getting the box feeling like getting a little present!