I did a yarn installation for Paul’s birthday last year but I never took photos. Since I had all this yarn sitting around I set up a little rainbow treasure hunt for the kids. St. Patrick’s Day is Saturday after all! At the end I put a bunch of golden chocolate coins, the kids loved it! Even though I did it for the kids I love this idea more for adults. You feel so special when someone goes to all the trouble to make something beautiful for you. I have to give my good friend Aubrey credit for the idea. This project is great because it is cheap, easy to set up and even easier to clean up. Here are a few tips below on how to do it.
Materials Needed: cheap yarn (about $1 per skein), a bag, scissors, a treasure for the end
Step One: After you find the end of each yarn, collect them all together and tie it to your starting point.
Step Two: Place the yarn in a bag with the string side facing out so it is easy to manage as you decorate. Just pull as you go, wrapping around trees and benches.
Step Three: Tie it off and leave your treasure at the end.
I have done stuff like this before in public spaces and I’ve found that as long as you are considerate of other people and clean up after yourself no one cares. In fact they usually like it.
ps: I did a version of this right here.
Samantha @ KreativeKaring
March 15, 2012
this is such a cute idea! Thanks for sharing!
March 15, 2012
As a kid I went to a friend’s birthday party where her mom did something similar–except, each skein of yarn was wrapped around the room individually, leading to personalized gift bags. It was a giant maze that forced everyone to crawl all around, under and over each other to follow our trail. She tied the end opposite of the gift bag to a TP roll, so that we could wind up the yarn as we went. It was a blast!
March 15, 2012
Great idea! BTW I can’t help but notice you’re wearing that beautiful Anthropologie skirt. I love that one!
Vanessa {vanilla and rose}
March 15, 2012
What a fun idea! I love it!
julia @ life on churchill
March 15, 2012
my favorite is the yarn text at the end, so fun!
Mandi | Living For Pretty
March 15, 2012
I love the bright ribbon-like colors and effect this makes. Also, love that skirt.
The New Diplomat's Wife
March 15, 2012
loooove this! in all honestly i have never bought a spool of yarn in my life but i would for something like this. this turned out beautifully and the pictures are great!
The New Diplomat's Wife
March 15, 2012
ps – i love the eiffel tower ever non-chalantly in the background….only in paris!
kira mead
March 15, 2012
Gosh you are really just the cutest.
March 15, 2012
Love this idea – and I love the idea from Briana too!!
March 15, 2012
AH! A perfect way for children to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! I am in love! Thank you for such a fun idea!!!
March 15, 2012
What a fun day in the park.
March 16, 2012
I see you’re wearing your new favorite skirt from a few posts back! Thanks for this fun idea. I would love to try it on someone soon :).
Rachelle | TinkerLab
March 16, 2012
You (and Aubrey) are brilliant! I love public art, and it would have made my day to come across your St. Patrick’s day installation. Okay, I’m inspired, and may have to steal this for the weekend.
Melissa@Julia's Bookbag
March 16, 2012
This is beyond adorable and fun! Cutest idea ever.
March 16, 2012
very clever! and you look gorgeous jordan! Love the new hair.
March 16, 2012
This is so fun! I’d love to run across something like this on a walk in the park.
Et tu, tutu?
March 16, 2012
So clever! How fun & pretty?! Such a good idea I’m going to do it one day for some kiddos. It makes for lovely photos, too:)
Rachel Root
March 16, 2012
Very cute. Made my morning!
Leah @ Freutcake
March 16, 2012
What a fun and adorable idea! This reminds me of Magda Sayeg’s yarn graffiti. LOVE!
March 16, 2012
So cute!!! Love the tie in with St. Patricks!
Amy @Picture It
March 16, 2012
Um, that’s adorable.
March 16, 2012
…I truly dreamed to doing this year, except w/ crepe paper — and now, the crepe paper isn’t even out of it’s packaging…!! so, an extra thanks for sharing this! So well done, as always. What fun the boys must have had and Happy St. Pats! Great photos (and cute skirt!) I’m super excited for our “spy birthday,” coming up next weekend, which will have a lot of red laser yarn installations!
Kacie @ A Collection of Passions
March 17, 2012
I did the same thing for my husband’s 30th birthday but it didn’t look nearly as pretty as yours! http://acollectionofpassions.com/blog/kyle-s-30th-birthday
Sarah @http://agirlintransit.blogspot.com/
March 17, 2012
Seriously your creativity never ceases to amaze me. I LOVE this and I’m so trying this with my family =)
– Sarah
March 18, 2012
Lindas essas fotos! Deu até uma alegria! BVeijos
March 18, 2012
Great idea! It looks like so much fun
And I love your skirt!!! Beautiful!
March 28, 2012
Jordan, I wonder if you go back and read prior postings… I sure hope that you do!
I’ve returned because I posted a link to this today in the spirit of:
“Let there be more yarn installations!” — I think your yarn installation for S Patty’s is so pretty, articulately rendered, fun and a great idea, as always! I wanted to share!
More labyrinth but yarn made oh, so fun! We had a ball and I was very happy with this.
Our daughter’s Secret Agent Party & yarn usage had me thinking of you. I hope everything continues to be well with you!