This photo comes from the NY Times House and Home section last Thursday. There is something about this bedroom that really resonates with me. It looks comfortable, it is sophisticated {that huge mirror is so great}, it is traditional without being boring and it isn’t complicated. There are only a few pieces of furniture in the entire room. Love it! As it turns out it belongs to an editor from Domino.
via AT
March 5, 2007
Pile of stuff animals in the fireplace? The boy in the background must never be given matches.
March 5, 2007
The wallpaper reminds me an awful lot of this bedspread from urban outfitters that I’ve been desperately trying to figure out a reason to buy… Maybe this is a sign that I should completely redecorate my bedroom and somehow attach the bedspread to the wall? Nah, probably not.
March 5, 2007
yes but did you read the article this came from? about how the mom never sleeps in that lovely room because the children have taken over???
I loved her children’s rooms as well.
March 6, 2007
I have a bedspread with the same pattern on it as the wall paper in the photo. I got it from Urban Outfitters.