The Affordable House of the Week is in San Francisco. {Utah has way too much violent crime.} This house is located in the panhandle, right where I go running. It is a one-bedroom TIC and costs $419K. It really is a darling flat. Photos here.
The Affordable House of the Week is in San Francisco. {Utah has way too much violent crime.} This house is located in the panhandle, right where I go running. It is a one-bedroom TIC and costs $419K. It really is a darling flat. Photos here.
Tonia Conger
February 15, 2007
Jordan, this place is darling. You and Paul should become home owners and scoop this one up!
February 15, 2007
Buy it please
February 15, 2007
that is very reasonable and such a beautiful place – good find!
robin k
February 15, 2007
Awesome and cheery.