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Where art thou Blueprint?

The new Blueprint will be out shortly. They sure are few and far between. It makes me sad because I’ve put to use several of the projects in the two issues they’ve put out. {The desk, the ring buttons, the charms, the framed bulletin board.} I hope at some point they start to come out faster. {Isn’t the cover cute?}

  1. liz s

    February 9, 2007

    Yeah! I’m so excited about it.

  2. Chelsea

    February 9, 2007

    I can’t wait!

  3. Chelsea

    February 9, 2007

    I sort of wish they would at least update their website with new stuff in the interim…to keep us reading.

  4. jima

    February 9, 2007

    i agree. i thought it was seasonal, but they’ve missed a season or two it seems.

    i still love domino so much more that i’m satiated to wait.

    have a good weekend!

  5. Anonymous

    February 9, 2007

    Yeah, I signed up for the trial issue for the first one, and then moved, and then was able to sign up for another free trial, since I was at a different address. That’s one good thing about them coming out so infrequently!

  6. *natalie*

    February 10, 2007

    hi…i was wondering about the gocco and have some ?’s….any chance you could email me??
    it sounds like a fabulous thing to own…

  7. Sexy Lexi

    February 12, 2007

    It’s evil that they make us wait so long between issues! But it’s still hands down my favorite mag.

  8. Anonymous

    February 21, 2007

    FYI: I called the magazine and they told me that they are going bi-monthly this year and monthly in 2008!

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