Stay cool this summer by wearing your treats on your sleeve! We stock these temporary popsicle, ice cream and watermelon tattoos in the shop because they make perfect party favors and gifts. (PS – See our whole temporary tattoo collection here!)

Stay cool this summer by wearing your treats on your sleeve! We stock these temporary popsicle, ice cream and watermelon tattoos in the shop because they make perfect party favors and gifts. (PS – See our whole temporary tattoo collection here!)
July 20, 2015
Oh my goodness! I remember looking at a YouTube DIY on making a Popsicle Inspired iPhone Case and wished those stickers were temporary tattoos instead. And now… you’ve made them a reality. Sooo cute!
July 20, 2015
Fun! I want to buy them all!
July 20, 2015
These are great! However, the OHD Party Shop is severely lacking in any flamingo items.
July 20, 2015
These are super fun and cute for summer!
July 20, 2015
These are super cute and would buy them in a second! But, if I may share something I have been thinking about lately. Though I am a long-time reader and have been enamored by your creativity over the years, I have been disappointed with the OHD blog as of late because it has become largely an advertisement site for the shop. It makes complete sense to offer a direct way for readers to purchase supplies. It just seems that the motivation for most entries these days is to direct readers to buy from the shop. I keep my fingers crossed that when I go to the blog, I will find an inspiring and creative story rather than an advertisement piece.
Hi Aimee!
Thanks for the feedback! I genuinely appreciate it. When I decided to start the shop I knew I wanted to post about it everyday. It isn’t because I’m trying to make everything an “ad” but rather it would be a creative way to make content. I handpick every item in the shop and I don’t carry anything I would have at one of my personal parties. It’s strictly edited (sometimes to a fault.) The idea is that we now have a ton of hard-to-find creative party products which we can mix and match to make party ideas. We put as much time and effort into the shop content posts as we do anything else. The goal is to have about 3 posts a day, one of which is related to the shop. If we are doing our job right then the shop content should be as beautiful and inspiring as anything else on the blog. I really don’t think of the posts as advertisement pieces so it makes me sad to hear that this might be the perception. For example, I did a post a week or two about the lollipop candles. When I discovered those at a trade show I had sorted through a million ugly things before I found them. I was obsessed with how cute they are. I genuinely wanted to share them with my readers because they are AWESOME. If I sell out of all the lollipop candles in the shop I’ll probably make $40. That isn’t enough to even cover the photographer, the cake we used for the photo shoot or the payroll of the employees to upload it. If I wanted to make money I wouldn’t have posted about lollipop candles. I would have done a sponsored post. 🙂 Obviously I wouldn’t have started the shop if I never hoped to make money from it but the plan all along was to make something that was synergistic rather than just selling products. I hope the readers who have trusted me for years (and whose trust I take very seriously) understand the difference and continue trusting me to make content because I love it and think it’s awesome.
July 21, 2015
I agree with Aimee 100%. And I’ve even purchased things from the shop!
I understand the shop is new and exciting and I certainly agree that once or twice a month is adequate advertisement for the shop….but NOT every day. Please bring back more original creative content.
Hey Miranda! Thanks for letting me know. I just responded to Aimee’s comment above. xoxo
July 21, 2015
Oh my goodness, I love these!