This classic fringe party hat is one of my favorite party projects. I love that you can make them in any color. They are very easy to make and the homemade festooning adds a sweet little touch. I’ve even just bought these basic party hats and added festooning myself to make them a little special. It’s so easy!
Materials: Tissue paper, cardstock, scissors, elastic, party hat template, stapler
, glue
Step 1: Use the party hat template to cut out the hat shape.
Step 2: Attach the elastic to the sides using a stapler.
Step 3: Fold up one sheet of tissue paper and cut about 2.5 inches off the top.
Step 4: Fold this strip in half and cut fringe. (Make sure you don’t cut all the way through.)
Step 5: Use your hands to tousle the fringe so it’s not so perfect.
Step 6: Unfold the fringe so it’s in long strips. Begin to twist the fringe together so that it forms a mini garland.
Step 7: Attach the fringe to your party hat using a stapler.
Step 8: Glue a bit of fringe to the top of the hat.
Step 9: Wear and enjoy!
Photos by Sarah Hebenstreit for Oh Happy Day
July 2, 2015
Just yesterday I was searching your blog on how to make this type of fringe! It seemed so simple but I couldn’t get it right. Perfect timing for my daughter’s first birthday next weekend. Thank you!
July 2, 2015
I’m now going to be obsessed with making Fringe Party Hats!
July 4, 2015
What a cool design of hats . I never thought people have these cool ideas so this will be my upcoming party idea
July 5, 2015
so gorgeous but so simple! Thanks 🙂