It’s not too often that I use food items in crafts, but walnut shells were just perfect for these turkeys! Make these simple place cards for your Thanksgiving table – they’re super quick to make. You could even use them as cake toppers instead! (P.S. Did you know a group of turkeys is called a rafter?)
Supplies: Cardstock (black and blue,) pencil, white pencil crayon
, paint brush
, scissors
, black paint
, butter knife, shelled walnuts
, wire
, wire cutters
, needle nose plier
, hot glue gun
Step 1: Use a butter knife to split the walnuts in half – place the tip of the knife on the top seam and carefully wedge it in and twist to separate. (Note: I found some walnuts were no problem but others were impossible to split evenly. Be sure to buy more walnuts than you need in case some crack unevenly.) Empty out the insides and keep track of which halves fit together.
Step 2: Paint black the exterior of all the walnut halves. Let dry.
Step 3: On the black card stock, draw and cut out a head, tail, and wing for each turkey. (I used these for reference.)
Step 4: Use the white pencil crayon to draw an eye on the face and feather details on the tail and wing.
Step 5: Hot glue the head and tail onto one half of the walnut – the head goes onto the smaller end and the tail on the fatter end.
Step 6: Use more hot glue to attach the other half onto the walnut.
Step 7: Hot glue the wing onto the side.
Step 8: Use the needle nose pliers to bend pieces of wire into legs/feet for each turkey. The legs shouldn’t stand taller than 3/4″.
Step 9: Hot glue the legs to the underside of the turkey, bending the wire between the legs to fit the curve of the walnut.
Step 10: Print and cut out the names of your guests onto the blue card stock.
Step 11: Hot glue the turkeys feet onto the card.
204 Park
October 28, 2014
Ok, this is a whole other level of awesome! XO S
October 28, 2014
Really amazing! Love them. Check the template link again, it takes me to another post unrelated.
The link should be fixed up now 🙂
October 29, 2014
Ok these are amazing!!! However I don’t see a template – just a link to pictures of turkeys – is there a template? I am not capable of drawing them myself – LOL!
EM-K | Rethink Design Studio
October 29, 2014
Adorable! The black was a smart color choice.
October 29, 2014
OMG ! This is really nice ! where do you get all this ideas? big like ! Keep it up !
Lyndsay // Coco Cake Land
October 29, 2014
kathleen!! you turkey-walnut-lovin’ genius, you! love these hilarious little guys. such a fun idea.
November 7, 2014
These are adorable! These would be fun to do with kids on a T is for Turkey lesson.
November 9, 2014
These are hysterical! Hoping to make them to take to my parents to bring some fun to the Thanksgiving table! Love them!