Happy New Year! 2012 was good but it felt really busy. Most of the year was spent getting settled after moving back from Paris, so this January feels like a true clean slate. I love setting goals and making lists and scheming up big plans (whether they actually happen or not) so this time of year is my absolute favorite. I love the idea that you can make a plan and work hard to become happier. I remember realizing this when I was a teenager. I don’t recall the exact details but I remember I was feeling unhappy and I went on a little hike and sat down at a lookout point with a blank sheet of paper and pen and made a list of how I wanted my life to be. As I hiked back to my car I was so happy. It’s funny because in actuality nothing had changed but I was excited about my plans and was going to make things happen. I’ve learned a lot more about setting goals since I was a teenager but the basic process still works for me. If I’m ever unhappy I usually just need to sit down with a pen and paper and make a plan.
I have lots of ideas for this year but one goal is to make deeper connections with friends and family. Make lunch meeting more often, have more dinner parties, go on weekly dates with Paul, take my children out on dates, give more gifts and surprises to people I love. I’m really excited about this. What are your goals this year?
ps: Muji makes the best pens and notebooks. We finally got one in San Francisco so I don’t have to trek all the way to NYC to get my favorite pens anymore.
January 1, 2013
Muji pens are the best of all time!!! I can’t live without them.
Alice Harold
January 2, 2013
I’m glad I’m not the only one who has been known to go out of her way to buy those beautiful pens!
little t
January 2, 2013
Happy New Year! Thanks for all the great posts in 2012. Always look forward to coming here xx
January 2, 2013
Happy New Year you Too..
I like your blog post.Thanks for sharing this nice posts with us.
SF New Years
January 2, 2013
plans make me happy too. they truly make you excited for the future!
Chianne Hood
January 2, 2013
I’m embarking on a 365 project! I’m really excited about it! Good luck on your new goals!
January 2, 2013
I have just stumbled upon your Happy blog and you are a new friend for 2013 I have been waiting to meet!
The very fact your New Years post is not about resolutions but about goals and good pens ( and journals ) is enough to have me hooked! Thank you for making my day already a little happier with your post this early in the morning
Little Kitchie
January 2, 2013
I agree that the process of making goals is enough to make your day! Hope you have a fabulous 2013!
P.S. I’ll need to check out those pens…
January 2, 2013
I love Muji pens! I’ll have to check out their notebooks. Cheers to 2013!
January 2, 2013
Goals & Lists are wonderful! Especially with favorite pen in hand! My main goal this year is to send a birthday card to everyone I know (hopefully handmade!)
Love your blog! Just found it through a friend, and am excited to see more!
January 2, 2013
couldn’t agree more, muji pens rock!
same goes for the plans, funny how everyone feels similarly about 2012, it was such a hectic year! in 2013 i am also planning to be spending more quality time with the people i love, cook more, be outside more, make everything go slower this year…
happy new year!
this is lemonade
January 2, 2013
Yes. Muji pens all the way! I only use their 0.38 ones and so many lovely colours too. I also have the mini pen with 5 colours and pencil – just bought some refills end of last year
Love how simple and cute their notebooks are too – not too thick, so I don’t feel overwhelmed. Nice and light for travel too.
Happy Lovely New Year!
January 2, 2013
Muji is in-cre-di-ble. When I lived in Japan I would be in that store as often as my bank account would allow it.
January 2, 2013
Happy New Year! Thanks for posts in 2012. I like ti here
January 2, 2013
I wish they would open a Muji in Dallas. I just bought a pen and some sheets (along with some other stuff) in NY. Those sheets are amazingly comfortable. I’m already wishing I could go back and stock up. Happy New Year!
January 2, 2013
After reading your update I just had to try out Muji pens! Love them – got a whole set of 12.
Happy New Year!
January 2, 2013
Yes!!! I’ve been a fan of Muji for years, and think they deserve all the attention they can get. I stock up on their pens when in NYC.
For new years, more slow, rainy day drives like this one: http://swooningblue.blogspot.com/2013/01/happy-new-year.html
January 3, 2013
Happy new Year!! I love you blog!!
January 3, 2013
Happy new Year! I love you blog!!
January 3, 2013
i totally get excited about lists too. they make me feel happy and then i feel a sense of accomplishment crossing things off as well.
Nellie Bly
January 3, 2013
so happy to have stumbled upon this blog – love all of your fun ideas, and especially love this post. making plans is so inspiring, refreshing, and revitalizing. and making connections with loved ones a priority – couldn’t agree more
here’s to a bright 2013!
xo http://www.frombottletobotox.com
January 7, 2013
I did that very same thing as a teenager! And you’re totally right, nothing actually changed! I’m with you and Adela, 2013 is the year I focus on spending more time with people I love and slow down a little. 2012 was exhausting.
January 9, 2013
They are my favourite as well !!
January 9, 2013
you’ve always inspired me! happy new year to you!