I am so excited to be partnering up with Anthropologie to host a craft night on August 30th here in San Francisco. We are going to be making floral party hats and I’ll share all my tips and tricks for working with crepe paper. The event is free but there are only 20 spots available. You can register by emailing anthroevents@anthropologie.com I hope to see you there!

August 14, 2012
You’re making all of us who don’t live in SF jealous! 🙂
August 14, 2012
Yes! It sounds amazing. Curse this England business.
Erica { EricaDHouse.com }
August 14, 2012
Ohh how I wish I lived anywhere near an Anthropologie!
Carrie // cue the confetti
August 14, 2012
How exciting!!! SO wish I lived closer!!
August 14, 2012
Just RSVPed! Looking forward to it. I have no arts and crafts experience whatsoever so this should be…interesting, haha. Should be fun 🙂
August 14, 2012
Just RSVPed and might pass out if I find out I’m accepted. Goodness me – tingling with excitement!
August 14, 2012
I’ll be there! Super excited!
August 14, 2012
August 14, 2012
congrats that sounds fun!!! love anthropologie and so happy they opened one here in London!!!!
Karen A.
August 14, 2012
I wish I lived in SF! 🙂
August 14, 2012
Wish I were in SF…sounds fun. Hope to see photos of the event afterwards. 🙂
Rachel Schindler
August 14, 2012
Oh how I wish I lived closer. I love Anthropology style and I have been dying to make a paper hat. Sounds like so much fun…
August 14, 2012
Oh my goodness! This looks like so much fun. I hope they still have a spot for me!! … and the 3 other friends I forwarded this to just now… haha
Pigeon Pie
August 14, 2012
I’ll admit it… I’m a bit jealous of your work 🙂 It looks like so much fun, such a shame I’m in Australia!
August 14, 2012
Fun! Found out I am registered and I can’t wait to meet you, learn how to make some party hats and have an excuse to go explore SF a little bit!
Christine Woods
August 15, 2012
Oh, Oh! How I wish I could go!… Maybe I’ll just shop at Little Rock, AR’s Anthropologie in honor of this fantastic event!
Christine Woods
August 15, 2012
Oh, Oh! How I wish I could go!… I will have to just shop at Little Rock, AR’s Anthropologie in honor of the fantastic event!
Elena @ Randomly Happy
August 15, 2012
Sounds like such a great event. I wonder if you’d think of some sort of live coverage for those of us unlucky enough to not be in SF?
x Elena
August 15, 2012
Anyone know if the 20 spots are all taken yet? I sent an email and it said the lady was out of the office and that someone would get back to me in 48 hrs! I’m dying!
Jillian Ringer
August 15, 2012
I REALLY want to come to this!!! Please let me come. The URL that you’re supposed to RSVP at is not working. I live in sf and I would be there in a heartbeat! Is it full? How do I sign up if not.. And if it is full.. Can I just come and watch?
I’m pretty sure you can come and watch if you don’t get a spot. 🙂
August 15, 2012
Can I come and watch too even if I don’t get a spot?! Please!! I have been subscribing to Anthology and recently discovered your lovely blog! I should have looked at you blog everyday to have seen this earlier!! Even if not :(, thanks for all the great content! both in the magazine and your website.
August 16, 2012
I SO wish I lived in San Francisco — I’d be there in a heartbeat!
Gourmet Detective
August 20, 2012
20 slots, only? But why? Is the place not big enough for a lot of people? It would be really nice to join craft-making activities like this. If there aren’t any slots anymore, maybe you can post an instructional video for the crafts you’re going to be making on the 30th? 🙂
August 20, 2012
Crossing my fingers and toes in the hope that there are still spots available.
I’m a little behind with all my blog reading now that Apple have taken away the RSS feed (curse you Apple!) and only just noticed this one. Hope I’m not too late. Would love to come along and see you work your magic with paper 🙂
August 23, 2012
Oh, what a pity it’s full up. Must try to get in quicker next time. I’m sure twenty lucky people are going to have a great time. Looking forward to seeing what you create.