Happy happy weekend! This is the first real week I’ve felt settled since we moved back from Paris. It feels amazing to be back to regular life with a real schedule. I love San Francisco but I’m starting to feel pretty nostalgic for Paris and our friends there. I guess that means its time to save some pennies for a trip back. What do you have planned this summer weekend? I am hoping for a long bike ride through Golden Gate Park and maybe a visit to the secret slides. Have a happy weekend guys.
I also write for Babble.com. Here are my posts this week! (ps: did you notice their slideshows got super duper fast?)
10 really original kids parties!
15 Inspiring Home Offices!
Have little boys? Here are my favorite shoe sources
Obsessed with these toys. THey are awesome and your kid will probably play with them.
Lots of people were asking where I got the knitted globe from. Here you go!
July 27, 2012
I think that’s the tough thing about living in multiple amazing cities – part of your heart will always belong to whichever one you’re not currently residing in. I would miss Paris, too!
July 27, 2012
I feel the same way though I’m not yet settled. Lets make sure to meet up sometime soon!
The New Diplomats Wife
July 27, 2012
it really takes a while to get a settled feeling so give yourself some time, the missing thing will go on for a bit. though we just made our first trip back to vienna this summer – a year was a perfect amount of time. We still missed it but had enough time to build our life here. And just as we’re getting comfortable, we’re starting to plan the next move!
July 27, 2012
Do you have a trick for softening up the heel on the bensimmon sneakers? My son had a pair and they hurt the back of his heel b/c the bent heel inside dug into his heel. Or did we just end up with a particularly smooshed pair? Thanks!
July 27, 2012
Oh, wow, your blog is so bright and beautiful. I love it!
xo, Jessica @ Jessica’s Jewels
July 28, 2012
I love SF!!
July 28, 2012
Love these posts. I hope you get back to Paris for a visit too. I think my fav post ever was your Paris picnic posts. Have fun on the slides this weekend. I never saw them when I lived in Marin and used to visit my sister in San Fran all the time. I hope to someday. Love your blog
Pink Ronnie
July 28, 2012
I can’t even begin to imagine what it must’ve been like to spend a year in Paris! Love that shot, hope you have a lovely weekend.
Ronnie xo
July 28, 2012
I think there is something wrong with your babble.com blog site. Or at least I cannot get to any of you links. Then I went directly to the Babble site and the Family Style, and all links give me a WP_config issue. If it’s me, then I need to fix something…if it’s the site, I hope that it helps!!! Can’t wait to read the posts. Thanks for all your ideas.
BTW, do you know where we can purchase the GIANT sequins here in the states?
July 28, 2012
maybe it’s my computer and i can’t seem to fix it…BLARGH…
July 28, 2012
hello there! just dropped by to say i love your blog!
Pati Mo
July 29, 2012
I have yet to visit San Francisco, it looks so beautiful! I would miss Paris too, i loved it when i visited. Something about the art, wine and cheese….happy weekend!
July 29, 2012
Yes, please come back for a visit!
July 30, 2012
Paris’ weekend,it must be romantic.Love the style of this picture,it just like a post card.
Mel van Rolt
July 30, 2012
OMG! Your blog is the most fantastic blog I’ve found in the last months! It’s so freakin’ inspiring and beautiful! I spent the last 3 hours with watching your DIY-projects. LOVE IT!
July 30, 2012
I love your photos! What are you shooting with? I love how the cable car photo looks like it was taken years ago. Really cool.
I miss Paris too. Was there last July. Something lovely about wandering the streets eating chocolate croissants!
July 31, 2012
Love your post!Paris is a lovely city to live in!I love Paris!
Wish you have a good day!
July 31, 2012
Go figure, I wish I lived in San Francisco =) Actually, I still get nostalgic for Florence, too, but the last time I was in the Bay Area, I kept thinking, “Why doesn’t LA have all this awesome stuff?”