Yea! It’s a piñata day! We miss Mexican food here in Paris since it isn’t as readily available as back home so we started having Taco Tuesdays where my friend Rubi makes amazing homemade tacos. Last night we got together and I made everyone their own personalized mini piñatas. There was one at each person’s plate filled with treats and surprises. You just open the flap on the bottom to remove the treats. So fun!
Materials Needed: Cereal boxes, scissors, exacto knife, crepe paper in folds, tape, glue
Step One: Draw a picture of the donkey on a cereal box and cut it out with scissors. You need one for the front and one for the back of each pinata. Then cut out long strips from the cereal box about 1.5″ thick. Tape the front and the back together with the strip. (See more detailed instructions here.)
Step Two: Once your armature is built its time to decorate. Cut off the end of the crepe paper fold and cut on one side to create the fringe. Add lines of glue starting at the bottom. Then glue on the fringe, wrapping it around the pinata until its all covered.
Step Three: When you are done cut a trap door at the bottom to fill with treats like small candies, gifts, party poppers, and confetti. Guests can choose to use the little door or can take it apart anyway they like to get the goods.
I loved making these! They were ridiculously fun to work on. Next time I’ll make the ears separate but I started making them late at night so I didn’t think of it until the next day when they were close to done. I also experimented with tails but I thought it looked better sans tail so I left it as is.
You can find the other piñatas in my piñata series right here.
All photos by Oh Happy Day
October 12, 2011
that is just way cool!
October 12, 2011
So adorable. I also love the treats inside. You seem to always make events just a bit cooler.
October 12, 2011
Where does Rubi make tacos?? Candelaria?
Jessica [Shimmer+Silk]
October 12, 2011
What a great idea! And they look so easy to make, too!
Hannah @ Sparrow + Spark!
October 12, 2011
These are amazing! I was JUST thinking at the weekend that mini pinatas would be really fun but couldn’t find a DIY- so thank you! You always come up with cool stuff.
Emma Robertson
October 12, 2011
You want mexican food in Paris!? Go to a place called Fajitas on Rue Dauphine by Point Neuf
SO GOOD but… the most expensive rice and beans you’ll ever eat! haha…..
Sarah @
October 12, 2011
Awww these little burros are SO CUTE! I love the idea of everyone getting their own. I remember being SO SAD when I was a kid and never getting to be the one to hit the candy out.
– Sarah;./
October 12, 2011
I wasabout to say the same thing.
Fajitas by Pont neuf is yum! They’re closed Sunday and Monday though
October 12, 2011
these are so cute!! I am going to make one as a surprise for my husband as a trial pinata. That will put a smile on his face – or he will just laugh at my diy effort…either way he will get a good laugh out of it! thanks!
bink & boo
October 12, 2011
I can’t handle this kind of cuteness, it’s too much!!! So darn sweet they make my teeth ache!
October 12, 2011
October 12, 2011
yup!!! gotta miss the mexican food in Paris!!!
But I hear there are a lot of places in the Bastille area. I have yet to check it out! Wonderful craft idea (who doesn’t love anything that is a tiny version of the big thing?!)…..
April Bladh
October 12, 2011
This is just so so fun. I cant wait to try them
October 12, 2011
I LOVE these! We do taco night with friends about once a month, and I am definitely going to make them for the next one. It will be such a fun surprise for everyone!
October 12, 2011
this is, hands down, the cutest DIY I have ever seen! my little one looked at it with his mouth open before starting to scream: I wanna do it! I wanna make it!
October 12, 2011
aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! soooooooooo cute!!!!!! I’m making them tonight!!!! Thank you tons!!!
October 12, 2011
I third Fajitas on 15 Rue Dauphine. We were in Paris this past summer and enjoyed their food a few times. The owners are from the US and Mexico. Enjoy!
October 12, 2011
These look so pretty! I’m pinning it for a party any of this days!
October 12, 2011
Ha! I love this. Mini pinatas, how darling. I also miss Mexican food like crazy. No Mexican food in Brazil.
October 12, 2011
@Lindsey She makes them at her house!
Sarah @ Designsgood
October 12, 2011
Precious! Everything is better in miniature!
October 12, 2011
These would make SUCH a cute mobile for a kid’s room! I love it. Thanks!
Happy Cactus Designs
October 12, 2011
LOVE this idea! I can think of so many parties/places I want to make this for…
Libby K
October 12, 2011
I can’t even handle those. So cute. I’m also thinking how awesome it would be to make your crocodile style piñata into a mini!!!
And I’m with Kacie (above)-pinata mobile would rule!!
Lindsay Marie
October 12, 2011
el faro lito? miss it too. I just “pinned” this, such an adorable idea…
October 12, 2011
This is such a fun idea! I wish I were more crafty!
October 12, 2011
Ridiculously cute! Can’t wait to give this project a try. Thanks for sharing your brilliance with us.
October 12, 2011
too too cute!
October 12, 2011
So creative and artistic! I like it.
October 12, 2011
I think these are really cute- I’m trying to figure out an excuse to make them!
This girl loves to Talk
October 12, 2011
we make pinatas for every holiday in our house. I was thinking a mini pinata for christmas place settings would be wonderful after seeing these…. so please come up with an awesome idea and post the instructions for me to follow
October 12, 2011
this is soo awesome.. i love it! thanks for all your inspiring diys <3
October 12, 2011
Your tutorials are awesome. I cannot wait to make one of these for my next party!
October 13, 2011
You’re on fire! Totally making these as favors for my son’s “fiesta that he thinks is a Diego party, but really it’s just a fiesta” 4th birthday.
October 13, 2011
Cute! Great thing as a party favour for a intimate Mexican dinner party. Try ‘Rice and Beans’, Rue Greneta in the 2e. Fun place, and you’ll love the Mexican decos in the back room!
October 13, 2011
Adorable! I will make them for our daughters 2nd birthday next week.
This question may sound ridiculous, but: which nail varnish you’re wearing? I already noticed it in the Macarons post and think it’s gorgeous! Thanks!
October 13, 2011
now those are some adorable itty bitty pinatas!
October 13, 2011
Those are crazy-cute! I’ve gotta make one (or tons) of these. Thanks for the how-to!
October 14, 2011
your pinatas are always so inspiring! i am not crafty, but i am determined…. so i made this octopus pinata for my son’s 3rd birthday party this saturday. x
October 14, 2011
amazing as always!
Kehau Lyons
October 14, 2011
The best mexican food place in Paris is Candelaria!
I went there this summer and they were amazing.