I loved these fun illustrated birthday cards from Dear Hancock, a new stationery company with very lovely cards. I especially like the first because of course, the pinata. Find them here and here.

I loved these fun illustrated birthday cards from Dear Hancock, a new stationery company with very lovely cards. I especially like the first because of course, the pinata. Find them here and here.
[…] KAYCE! Love ya!). Don’t you just adore this line of birthday cards from DearHancock?! Spotted HERE.Spread the word! stLight.options({ publisher:'12345' }); Leave a Reply Name (required) Mail […]
September 21, 2011
These are delightful!
September 21, 2011
I can only imagine the joy these would produce. I’d love to send them, but I’d like to receive one even more!
September 21, 2011
so adorable!
September 21, 2011
omg! so perfect. it’s always so hard to find that perfect impromptu bday card. perfect blank cards.
September 21, 2011
Thank you for featuring our cards Jordan! We are very excited to have our work on Oh Happy Day!
September 21, 2011
those cards are adorable! i just wanted to let you know, too, that i made some mini flags (inspired by the awesome flag sculptures you made last year) only on chopsticks for pre-schoolers to wave at the race for the cure. thanks so much for the inspiration! my post is here: http://skirtastop.wordpress.com/2011/09/21/race-for-the-cure-and-mini-flag-tutorial/
Sarah @http://agirlintransit.blogspot.com/
September 21, 2011
Yes these are awesome. I especially love the cake truck one. Good for a little boy’s party.
– Sarah
September 21, 2011
So cool! I love these cards!
September 21, 2011
September 22, 2011
these are so fun! i love the second one with the big slab of cake strapped to the back…I think I have found the perfect card for my man’s birthday