Happy Bastille Day! We celebrated this morning by meeting some friends up at Versailles for a giant picnic where everyone wore white! It was so fun.We were laughing that the French were so elegant in their patriotism wearing all white with a discreet little red, white , and blue ribbon pinned on their shirt. A big contrast to what everyone in the US wears on the Fourth! Ha! Next we’re off to watch the fireworks in front of the Eiffel Tower.

July 14, 2011
this looks so dreamy!! how lovely and fun!
x x x x
Molly Covert
July 14, 2011
One of the things I loved when I visited Versailles was that you can rent bikes to ride around the grounds. This all looks so lovely! The sky looks like a painting.
July 14, 2011
Looks like a perfect summer day, the food looks great too!
July 14, 2011
Bonne Féte Nationale!!
Hannah J. Holmes
July 14, 2011
You celebrated Bastille Day at Versailles? How very French of you! 🙂
July 14, 2011
How fun! I love Versailles esp. Marie Antoinette’s private estate. It’s so magical there. Fireworks in front of the Eiffel sound amazing! 🙂
July 14, 2011
Looks lovely, I adore how people are leisurely laying in the grass and having beautiful picnics! Much different from our 4th!
July 14, 2011
Looks so lovely. It’s awesome that the gardens at Versailles are public. Love it that people actually go there to just hang out and such, but the all-white Bastille Day picnic looks particularly chic. In an accessible way to those of us {Americans} who aren’t ever so … chic 😀
July 14, 2011
love your images! looks like fun. happy bastille day!
Shay Quigley
July 14, 2011
How gorgeous! The photos look like they’re straight out of a movie. Tres magnifique! (My lame attempt at seeming somewhat cultured.)
July 14, 2011
Happy Bastille Day!
Michelle A
July 14, 2011
Happy Bastille Day! I always would eat lunch at Cafe Claude or Tiramisu on Belden Alley when I worked downtown – maybe instead I’ll settle for a baguette?
Loving all the white – or all of any color really. Monochromatic makes such a bigger punch visually.
Miss you!
July 14, 2011
All white…how elegant!
Sarah Mae
July 14, 2011
Man, the food looks divine!! Makes me wish I was still over there! If you get the chance I recommend a weekend trip to Annecy! Beautiful!
July 14, 2011
Goodness, I love this place! Very jealous!
kasey at girl in the gray house
July 14, 2011
oh so beautiful – i love everything about the French!
caroline armelle
July 14, 2011
what i would give to be picnicking at versailles today!
happy 14 juillet!
July 14, 2011
These are gorgeous events I`ve heard about them. perhaps one also attend 🙂 get a happy day
July 14, 2011
How funny, we were there too!
dani leigh
July 14, 2011
so fun! i was in paris a couple days before Bastille Day last year. I was so bummed to miss out on the festivities.
July 14, 2011
OMG – these pics are hysterical – bet there is not a drop of food or wine splotch on any of those whiter than white clothes We just experienced 4th of July in Maui – and yep – v v different. Then again Australia Day is pent in your bathers at the beach – and that can be a v un-pretty sight! Enjoy Jordan – seems as if you are having the best time! xxxx
July 14, 2011
I love the bales of hay! Maybe next 4th of July I’ll wear mostly white 🙂
July 14, 2011
Oh this is great! What fun! I especially like the one where someone is bending over in the foreground – whoops! not very french 😉
July 14, 2011
bettijo @ PagingSupermom.com
July 14, 2011
Good thing I just read this history newsletter (http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs073/1102681733684/archive/1106565569886.html) because I now know what Bastille Day is! I just love the cute wooden forks, wish I could find those here!
July 14, 2011
A perfect day!
July 14, 2011
Oh how I love this. The French are so understated compared to Americans. Somehow just seems “better” to me. The food looks great and I want to eat the chunk of brie right off that plate!!! Lovely.
katie [the bright life]
July 14, 2011
Love this, how classy that they wear all white. I think I could root for France with a lunch at Versailles…sounds wonderful. Xo, Katie
July 14, 2011
loving the picnic scene!
Jordana @ White Cabana
July 14, 2011
This is my kind of event – and day! I’m sure the fireworks were spectacular!
July 14, 2011
Hi Jordan! I just got back from Paris and I am such a dummy. I wrote down all these ideas you’ve mentioned on oh happy day and didn’t get to do any of them! I am especially kicking myself for not trying the delicious eclairs you raved about. I was only there a few days…but still! Thanks for all your tips to such an amazing city…even if they were wasted on me 😉
I’m sure you don’t care to read more about Paris, but just incase, I blogged about my trip (and mentioned your stylish insight) here and here 🙂
July 14, 2011
Gorgeous! I love the utensils, where did you find them?
July 14, 2011
Quite envious of your celebration in Paris! Looks like a dream come true. I celebrated today by writing about my favorite patisserie in the U.S.: http://dailya.wordpress.com/2011/07/14/happy-bastille-day/
Jodie @ LukaMish
July 15, 2011
this is so delightful – brightened up my dreary day xx
July 15, 2011
All white with a touch of red and blue? So classy.
July 15, 2011
Seriously, could the French be any more elegant? All white? Picnics in Versailles? We Americans got to step our our game 🙂
July 15, 2011
The scenery is perfect for picnic.. nice to see they’re wearing white.
July 15, 2011
gorgeous! and i think 99 per cent of the men i know wouldn’t even know where to buy white trousers. i love the all white look!
July 15, 2011
Happy Day- the food does look divine- where did you get the wooden flatware?
Thanks for sharing
July 16, 2011
I love the all white but that wouldn’t really work with the US BBQ program! Looks like lovely weather for a lovely Bastille Day!
July 18, 2011
This looks so lovely, exactly how I’d imagine a French picnic.
Cheap Oakley Sunglasses
July 18, 2011
This looks so lovely, exactly how I’d imagine a French picnic.