We’re taking off tomorrow for our first vacation away from the internet in over two years! Even when we travel we always have an iphone nearby or usually work half the day. I’m excited to be completely cut off from everything. (I wonder if I’ll have withdrawals?) We are so lucky we have Paul’s parents who are so good with our kids. I don’t have to worry about them for a second. (Thanks D+L!) I have some posts set to run while I’m gone and some DIY’s I’m excited to share. I’ll see you on the flip side!
ps: the photos above is of our new linen sheets. I’ve never had any before but they are common here in Europe. I think I’m converted! They are so soft and get softer the more you use them.
I also write for Babble.com Here are my posts this week!
This is so clever! Perfect for picky eaters.
Gah! Have you seen the new dresses at Kate Spade?
Want to buy European style clothes for kids in the US? They are having a big sale!
I own three of these.
July 15, 2011
I think that you will enjoy all your moments free from the world-wide web. It’s a refreshing change!
July 15, 2011
Enjoy being unplugged…it is refreshing!
July 15, 2011
Anyone have a suggestion for where to find quality inexpensive sheets. All the linen ones I am finding are $200 or more.
bettijo @ PagingSupermom.com
July 15, 2011
I’m a sateen sheets girl myself — I love the silky soft cotton, but I must admit I’ve never tried linen ones. Have SO much fun on your vacation!!
July 15, 2011
stanton just said “i want linen sheets”
Janan W
July 15, 2011
I’ve wanted linen sheets forever. Can I ask where you got yours?
July 15, 2011
Okay, I desperately want to buy almost all of the dresses on the Zara site, but am I missing something? How do you actually purchase these? I don’t see an option to “Add to cart” or anything like that. Is online purchasing an option from the US? I’m quite confused–please advise! Thank you!
July 15, 2011
Have a wonderful trip! I try to escape from technology as often as possible. I love being without my phone.
Sarah Rose
July 15, 2011
Linen is generally the best.
July 16, 2011
I love your blog.. Congrats on being able to conquer taking off internet time.
I love your new sheets. I have a fascination for white..it’s so fresh!
Beauté: http://www.bellezadeluna.blogspot.com
July 16, 2011
I, too, would like to know where you purchased your linen sheets!
July 16, 2011
i love that you guys are taking a vaca from the tech world! it is most important and helpful! have a fab time!! x x x x
July 16, 2011
enjoy! i recently took a 4-day vaycay from the iphone (the addiction is insane) while at a yoga and music festival… its AMAZING! best of luck on your journey xo
robin k
July 17, 2011
Have a wonderful trip, P + J!
July 17, 2011
I saw on your Babble post that you still sometimes have to think about where the fork goes when you’re setting the table. I’ll share my mnemonic device: the words left and fork have the same number of letters (four). So do right and knife (five). Therefore, the fork goes on the left and the knife goes on the right. Hope that helps!
I hope you have a marvelous vacation. I’ve always wanted to visit the Greek Isles.
July 18, 2011
I love Kate Spade! The gingham dress is just lovely – the sleeves are my favorite part!
July 18, 2011
So great! I love those linen sheets! Can you get them in the US? Have a wonderful vacation!
July 19, 2011
So I too am one of you linen lovers. My husband and I are newly married and some of the advice we were given was to buy quality bedding. Any suggestions of where we can purchase linen?