Joanna Goddard invited to share so me of the nitty gritty of our day to day schedule over on A Cup of Jo. I love this topic and am excited to hear how other people do it too. We aren’t perfect and sometimes get off schedule but you can read about how our day goes right over here.

Noodles and Waffles
July 12, 2011
I love this topic as well. Thanks for sharing.
July 12, 2011
Great to read how other people plan their day.
Your son holds your thumb in the one picture, does he knead it? My daughter does, thats why I’m asking! Funny to see this at other kids too!
follow me at
Vanessa :P
July 12, 2011
What rocked my world was one time where you were talking about your grandmother (I think) who had a lady helping her when she got married and had her first kid and she taught her to have everything done by 10 she could get to the park with her baby by then.
July 12, 2011
Loved reading about your day!! You are a great inspiration for balancing motherhood/marriage/career.
July 12, 2011
A lovely interview – nice to see families work in different ways and how we can’t have all or be all, but that we can be a heck of allot if we stay true to what’s important to us.
July 12, 2011
Loved reading your interview.. I always love the dialogue on this subject. Sounds like you have a good thing going and have learned what works for your family! So happy for you!
Ps- loved watching you + your sister on House Hunters International!
July 12, 2011
LOVED reading about that. What a great schedule. You’ve got me rethinking mine! Also… sweet glasses!
July 12, 2011
p.s. I also loved what you said about setting limits, schedules and keeping things in balance by sticking to it. I am really working hard right now and that helps give me some perspective on it.
July 12, 2011
I loved reading this yesterday! I’m planning on being a mom (hopefully soon) and find this whole dialog so refreshing and helpful. And your schedule is so inspirational, actually. Sometimes I think living in the PST that I’m always behind because it’s already happened in NYC or Europe or something! Many of my friends & colleagues are there so I always feel behind. So I love how it works so well for you. I guess I’ll just have to move to Paris. Soon! 🙂
seesaw designs
July 13, 2011
loved reading it. no kids yet, but you’re such an inspiration for the future.
July 13, 2011
I think it’s a great opportunity that you are able to live overseas. what a great experience. and I presume you also have your sister nearby? (design mom)
July 13, 2011
such a lovely interview!
This is the first time I’m reading your blog, and I got to your post about Po.P and I wanted to comment, but it was closed or something.. Anyways, I’m Swedish and I grew up with po.p! I don’t have any kids myself, but my older sisters daughter wears the same blue corduroy jacket from them, as she did as a kid!
I really like your blog – I’m so jealous, I have always wanted to live in Paris! Now I live in Prague, not too bad either!
Ps, i’m only 5″8! 😉
July 13, 2011
This was so fantastic. Thanks for sharing.
Sarah @ Natural History
July 13, 2011
Great interview – I really enjoyed it. We lived in Paris for a year a little while ago – left when I was 6 months pregnant for my husband to take up a course at Oxford. We’re here for a bit now because of Natural History, but we definitely want to settle (what an awful word!) there eventually.
Maria @ Busy as a Bee in Paris
July 22, 2011
great interview, left this same comment on the actual blog, but i’ll leave it again here. as an american married to a frenchman and living in france, it is wonderful to hear you say such postitive things about the french system!!! france sometimes get such bad rap (and by americans), so from the bottom of my heart merci!
what i loved even more about the interview are the wonderful things you said about finding and keeping balance. as one who is about to embark on a business venture and one who is not quite finding a healthy balance at home, your words are gold to me!
thank you jordan! as always, you’re an inspiration!
bisous xo