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Backyard Movie Party

Last night we had a movie party behind my building. It was so fun I think we’ll do it again soon before it gets too cold. The setting was really great with old brick walls on all sides and plus the sky was bright with the downtown lights reflecting off the clouds.

Have a fun weekend everybody.

I also write for Here are my posts for this week.

This toy has a sordid past.
Amy Atlas has a new Stationery line!
Announcing Lucky Magazine…For Kids.
The cutest cards I’ve ever seen. (Not exaggerating.)
World Domination Planning Kit (I want this for Christmas.)
Great Hostess Gift on Gilt!

  1. Cupcakes and Cutlery

    October 1, 2010

    LOVE this! The brick wall is so cool. And the weather has been so warm lately. I bet it was a wonderful evening.

  2. thecolorplaid

    October 1, 2010

    just found your blog this week. love it!!!! although your life is making me jealous!!!!!! i'm swooning after your movie party, like actually.

    i have always wanted to do that!!!!! how great!

  3. Deanna (Silly Goose Farm)

    October 1, 2010

    I have an annual movie party at my house every year. Check it out here:

    Hope you'll take a look! It probably wasn't nearly as fancy as yours, but we had fun!

  4. LahTeaDah

    October 1, 2010

    Are you kidding me right now? You did what? Can I come live by you and be your BFF?

    Yours Truly

  5. Laughter-Loving Stacy

    October 1, 2010

    That is so cute! Very fun idea 🙂

  6. Ali

    October 1, 2010

    What movie did you watch?

  7. Danielle

    October 2, 2010

    I just wanted to say that your blog has to be the best one I have ever read! You have unbelievable style that inspires me and my living out here on the east coast. Your photos from your GG dinner party made me homesick for a place that I only visited once (last fall with my husband) and have been dying to get back to ever since!
    Thank you so much for sharing your ideas and creativity!

  8. Kelly

    October 2, 2010

    This SO makes me wish I was your neighbor. So fun!

  9. Melissa Jade

    October 2, 2010

    you always have the best locations. We have no "behind the building" in NYC. It's more "every square inch has been taken up" Great idea though!!

  10. katycavell

    October 3, 2010

    Well that is unbelievable. What a great idea!

  11. Megan

    October 4, 2010

    That sounds so fun! It does look cool on the brick wall. I'm really enjoying your blog!

  12. Julie

    October 4, 2010

    I had hoped to do this all summer but never got around to it-this is making me really regret it!

  13. Notes from Holly St.

    October 4, 2010

    what a great idea!

  14. Stacy

    October 5, 2010

    This is such a fabulous idea. I wish I had a wall that would make this possible.

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