I was able to take advantage of the Heath Ceramics sale last weekend. I’d been saving up for new dishes since their last sale 6 months ago. We are spoiled here in the Bay Area because we can go to the Factory Store in Sausalito where they sell their seconds (dishes with small imperfections). I get excited every time I open my cupboards and see the dishes all pretty and organized. If you aren’t familiar with Heath you can read their story here. The next sale is around Thanksgiving.

May 28, 2010
so cool. i want to visit next time i'm up in the bay!
birdie blue
May 29, 2010
Love Heath!
Dawn R.
May 30, 2010
I went to Heath to look for tile and they are so cool, they gave me a full tour of the place! I wish I had a cupboard full of their dishes.
May 30, 2010
So what did you get? Pictures please. Our household is far too clumsy for that kind of daily usage but I think maybe I should get some platters and bowls for serving…
Jane Flanagan
May 30, 2010
I have a couple of Heath pieces and am eager to expand my collection! I'm so envious of you being close to the factory store. I have to buy online and pay hefty import taxes when I want to splurge!
May 31, 2010
My brother in law works at Heath. They truly make beautiful stuff.
June 3, 2010
lovely but I'm all the way over here in Chicago…