I’m not sure why but I don’t like to put pictures of my own space on the intenet too much. It is a weird combination of wanting privacy/not feeling like things are perfect. These were taken last summer of our living room. I’ve changed some things since then but I am still struggling with everything feeling decorated. (Look how small Moses is! I am excited to have a tiny baby in a white onesie around again.)

Nothing But Bonfires
November 12, 2009
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! And I'm loving your hair too.
November 12, 2009
Oh, I love love love the second shot. The tray, those flowers, your hair, your shirt, tiny Moses – all perfection. Thanks for sharing.
November 12, 2009
I know you've said you prefer your hair long, but the bob looks fantastic on you.
November 12, 2009
I love it! You said something before about it "not being done" and I thought it would look much more undone, but this looks great! Very polished.
November 12, 2009
I hope my future babies are as stunningly adorable as Moses 😉
November 12, 2009
Your living room is beautiful! I don't see any imperfections here.
November 12, 2009
Love your hair in that photo – SO cute. I wish I could pull off bangs like that!
November 12, 2009
your space is beautiful!
robin k
November 12, 2009
Love these.
November 12, 2009
Lovely! Your little Moses is too cute!
owl and peacock : melina
November 12, 2009
What a wide-eyed gorgeous bebe!
And I love love that print you have on the wall!
Sarah Bradley
November 12, 2009
I love the shot of you and Moses! That bob looks amazing on you! So, so stylish!
Shannon of ** Happiness Is...**
November 12, 2009
I know what you mean about photos of your home. I feel the same way about privacy and never feeling like your place is fully done. But it looks fabulous as it is!!! 🙂
November 12, 2009
That photo of you and moses is positively adorable! And, I want your chairs, big time.
November 12, 2009
Girl, the fact that you have a vase of flowers on your table and a baby in the mix means that yes – your place is near perfect! Man I wish my coffee table resembled yours…mine is a goldfish mess, thanks to my 22 month old!
November 12, 2009
What is that piece of art on the wall?
Very cool.
November 12, 2009
Wow Jordan, your living room looks amazing. Would it be possible to source the items. I assume the painting is Pauls?
November 12, 2009
oh my gosh! that is one cute baby!
November 12, 2009
oh my goodness that is the most adorable child i have ever seen.
November 12, 2009
Your living room looks so nice! ;D
November 12, 2009
It looks so lovely! And the art is beautiful. What a darling pic of you and Moses.
November 12, 2009
Jordan! I thought you were showing us a magazine picture instead of your space. That's.. stunning.
November 12, 2009
Love, love, love it.
November 12, 2009
what a nice addition those flowers are. perfect!
November 12, 2009
where did you get your ottoman?
Jeremy and Kathleen
November 12, 2009
That baby of yours just gave me some serious baby-fever.
November 12, 2009
Love it, especially the round stool.
November 12, 2009
looks great, where did you get those great chairs?
November 12, 2009
I love your place!
I especially love your wall art and the cushion.
Will you please tell me where can I get them from??
November 13, 2009
can you fill us in on the horse art in pic #1
November 13, 2009
So cute!
November 13, 2009
You are gorgeous! I also am curious about the horse art. Did your husband paint it?
tiffany zajas
November 13, 2009
I feel the same way about posting pictures from our home. I want things to be perfect.
Your living room is beautiful! {and so are you.}
November 13, 2009
now i know why you dont like showing us your house… because it shames us all to tears… seriously…
November 13, 2009
Jordan – what a chic and polished home – love it. Thanks for sharing.
liz stanley
November 13, 2009
Such a cute pic of you guys
November 13, 2009
Absolutely stunning!!! Where did you find that great print on your wall? I would love to find that!
Thank you!
J and Company
November 13, 2009
Hi Jordan,
I saw this and thought that it was something that you might like.
love your blog as always
Bryan and Sarah
November 13, 2009
These are beautiful photos. If you ever want to get rid of your cowboy photo, I'll buy it!
November 13, 2009
Is the artwork Richard Prince?
Fabulous taste, a relaxing and lovely place.
November 14, 2009
Never commented before- always enjoy your blog.
Your living room looks lovely- so polished and personal. I really like the sofa cushions- any clues on where you found them?
Your little boy is just too cute.
November 15, 2009
Your place is lovely and cozy!! And the ottoman, I want it!! Please tell us more about it.
November 15, 2009
where did you acquire that darling pillow with the yellow flowers?
November 15, 2009
i think your space is FABULOUS!!!
November 16, 2009
this room is lovely! and so is the wee one.
November 17, 2009
Gorgeous. Love the living room. And the baby too 😀
destined to design
November 17, 2009
great ottoman + artwork on the wall. the yellow and black color scheme is very chic.
November 30, 2009
OMg, little Moses is adorable!