We went camping at Kirby Cove last week. It is ten minutes away from home and nestled in a grove of redwood trees on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge. It is quiet and beautiful and perfect for a quick getaway. The problem is you literally have to reserve the campsites three months in advance. It was fun camping with toddlers though, they were so happy. (ps: Watch out for the raccoons, they were after our food.)

October 7, 2009
How so adorable! These little ones are just plain cute 🙂
mosey along
October 7, 2009
Love Kirby Cove, and such a great place to camp with wee ones…
sonya audrey
October 7, 2009
How cute!! We've been talking about taking our girls camping but I haven't been brave enough yet. Maybe we'll try this fall. It looks beautiful there! I'm glad you had a good time!!
October 7, 2009
so cute!
October 7, 2009
oh my gosh. the photo of those three kids is priceless.
October 7, 2009
That top photo is gorgeous.
Sorry for Annabelle's bloodshot eyes. =)
Cookie Cutter
October 7, 2009
The kids stole the limelight! They're so adorable!
liz stanley
October 8, 2009
who is that dorky kid in the striped turtleneck?
Joanna Goddard
October 8, 2009
what cute little ones!!! 🙂
October 10, 2009
Those raccoons are some brave, fearless ones. One came right up to us sitting by the campfire and tried to steal our trash bag.
October 12, 2009
i tried to camp here a few years ago…i left to get some supplies and returned to find my husband standing on top of a picnic table with a piece of firewood in hand fending off the raccoons. they are serious! that being said, it's an awesome place and worth some tangling with the wildlife.