The most important thing for me on Valentines Day is coming up with some sort of surprise. It doesn’t need to be expensive just cool and thoughtful. Last year I tied a large red balloon to a box and made the string so long that Paul could see it from his second story office. I called him and told him to look outside–and all his coworkers gathered around the window to watch while he went down to get the box. I filled the box with all of his favorite things.
February 3, 2009
Love this! I’m all about surprises! Do you just keep a supply of those cool round balloons on hand?
naomi megan.
February 3, 2009
that is such a clever and thoughtful idea!
February 3, 2009
that is a great idea. i like to cook, so i’m thinking about cooking something really fancy for my girlfriend. (boring, i know) i can’t give too much away though, we share a blog so i’m sure she’ll see my comments. anyway, i can’t wait to see what other ideas you are going to share.
February 3, 2009
I love the balloon idea. I’m trying to think of something good for my husband, but we’re also saving for a new house, so I’m trying to do something frugal as well. Wish me luck!
February 3, 2009
mu husband would KILL me!
February 3, 2009
my husband might kill me too – but I think its a great idea. I might just do it anyway. Of course, Vday is on a Saturday this year – so he won’t be at work. Maybe I’ll save that idea for another year.
February 3, 2009
how cool of a wife are you, J? Paul is one lucky guy. can’t wait to hear what you do this year!
February 3, 2009
I agree with the other comments-this is a great idea! You’re so stinkin’ cool.
February 3, 2009
I can’t find the round balloons to save my life!! Do you know if they’re available anywhere online? I searched in November for my son’s birthday with no luck
February 3, 2009
That is lovely…and so romantic.
I want to do something awesome for my husband as well this year.
Thanks for sharing.
February 4, 2009
What a Great Idea! I remember reading this on your blog last year and trying to figure out how I could surprise someone the same way! I’m still trying to figure this one out…
Thank you for your endless inspiration. I concur with Kim’s point: you are “stinking cool”!
February 4, 2009
FANTASTIC IDEA I like to do mushy things like this for my boyfriend all the time. This year he’s away for Valentine’s Day and our Anniversary so I’m going to send him a little something by mail and completely flip out for his birthday! He only knows that I have a plan, but I always have a plan. I bet your husband adored the balloon.
February 4, 2009
i remember this from last year, such a sweet idea.
February 4, 2009
good wife. I could do this pretty easy since Coby works in the room next to me at home.
mesh and lace
February 4, 2009
i want to do this! such a great idea!!
February 4, 2009
I love surprises!–I actually posted my plans on my blog today too.
February 4, 2009
What a brilliant, brilliant idea! I LOVE coming up with surprises but I don’t think I’ve ever done anything that cool! I may just have to steal this idea…simply inspired!
February 4, 2009
Fantastic idea. You have me scheming…
February 5, 2009
How utterly romantic!
Maggie May
February 7, 2009
that is so romantic i can hardly stand it.
February 7, 2009
Where did you get the box? I’ve been looking everywhere for one and I can’t find anything. A tip would be great!
February 14, 2009
Now that’s romance. So beautiful and so perfectly done. I hope you don’t mind I mentioned it on a new blog I just started— Thanks for a great blog. I’m a long-time follower.
March 10, 2009
Great idea! Hopefully the loved one gets to it before someone calls the bomb squad:)
valentine's gifts philippines
February 22, 2010
Wow! she is so sweet,what a perfect surprise so touching. Keep posting!