Look at what Stephanie did. She transformed her spice rack with some Stuck Labels. It is so fun for me to see these photos. Karisa and I are hard at work getting ready to launch phase II of Stuck Labels. We are very very excited.

Look at what Stephanie did. She transformed her spice rack with some Stuck Labels. It is so fun for me to see these photos. Karisa and I are hard at work getting ready to launch phase II of Stuck Labels. We are very very excited.
two Excited nests
January 26, 2009
I cannot wait to move and have an excuse to do this!!!! Love em so much!
January 26, 2009
Great job!
January 26, 2009
i LOVE seeing what other people do with their spices. this is awesome. i wouldn’t expect anything but awesome from stephmodo.
Bryan and Sarah
January 26, 2009
What a great idea! My spices need an overhaul. I love the labels!
January 26, 2009
Would you do custom labels. I have a design I am doing on all my wedding stuff, and I would love some stickers made . . .
January 26, 2009
As a true fan to your blog (one of my daily reads), I turn to you asking for a small advice. My sister is travelling to San Fransisco (for the first time) from Europe this spring. What would you recommend her for the places to visit, and especially, places to eat in?
I know there are Lonely Planets and lots of websites with all sorts of advices but I’d like to be able to recommend her something special from a reliable, stylish source. It’s her first longer trip with her spouse and I’d like to show her how much she means to me by finding some great tips. I can tell they love animals, funny, goofy or romantic yet somewhat intelligent (what are those, I wonder..) things and good food.
If you have already written about good spots in your blog, could you please help me to find them (using the search function at the blog didn’t really help)? If you have time just to tell one nice place, it would be great!
Maggie May
January 27, 2009
very organized/
Joanna Goddard
January 27, 2009
this looks amazing!
January 27, 2009
I haven’t ordered labels yet but I have every intentio of being on of your best customers.
January 27, 2009
Love love love. I think I need to redo all of my spices now – great, another project…:)
January 27, 2009
This is fantastic! I wish I had space for all those spices. This is in the “inspiration for the future” folder.