Paul gave me a certificate for a “pair of nice jeans” for Christmas so I went on a mad hunt and tried on a bazillion pairs of jeans. There were a few that were OK but nothing I loved. I was disappointed because I was prepared to spend some good money. On a whim I tried on some $12 jeans at Forever 21 and I LOVED them. It is possible that I was more forgiving on the fit because of the cost. But regardless I’ve been wearing them 2 weeks and gotten compliments from friends and strangers on the street. So good job Forever 21, but I think my friend Maggie is right when she said, “you better go buy two more pairs of those because they are going to disintegrate by next week.” While I’m in buying another pair I’m going to try on this skirt.

K and/or K
January 6, 2009
Do they make jeans in tall sizes? I am on the hunt as well! And that skirt is perfection!
January 6, 2009
I just bought some jeans I love big time from Madewell. I had never seen Madewell until recently. There isn’t one in San Fran but if you get down to LA there is one. The shop girls told me it’s the brain child of one of the top people at JCrew.
January 6, 2009
I have those $12 jeans, they are my faves. Although even after washing they still dye my underthings blue…
January 6, 2009
i’m wearing my $12 forever jeans right now and love them.
Michelle Parks McCourt
January 6, 2009
I love this look. Very chic!
Happy New Year by the way!
January 6, 2009
Yup, Forever 21 takes the cake for me too! Love my $19 skinny jeans!
January 6, 2009
what cut and wash are they!? i need a visual!
seesaw designs
January 6, 2009
i have a pair of the $12 jeans too – i love them, and they still haven’t fallen apart (!)
January 6, 2009
I am wearing the $12 capri jeans from 21 right now. The dye has definitely faded, but they have held up very well. I love them!
.caroline armelle.
January 6, 2009
that’s hilarious. i did the same thing after i had my little boy and i needed something quick. i went from being a jean snob to $12 jeans.. but, i wear them all the time now.
January 6, 2009
i bought some $12 F21 jeans back in october – they are still in GREAT shape and i wear them all the time! they made it through a trip to paris, 2 trips to the east coast and many visits to the playground with the bambino. hooray for F21.
Jessamyn Harris
January 6, 2009
I bought a pair of $25 h&m jeans a few years ago, and still get compliments on them all of the time! they haven't fallen apart yet, the fit is nice and kinda sexy but not the modern "I'm gonna show you my pubes" low key that I hate, and they are so cheap. I keep meaning to get another pair.
both stores are so hit and miss as far as consistency – I've gone back hoping to find a second pair or something so that when it falls apart I have backup, but often there's just one of something, or one in that size, and that's it.
porter hovey
January 6, 2009
You just never know what will be just perfect! I have gotten some gems at Forever 21. It’s always shocking!
I’ll have to go and check these out!
January 6, 2009
I have that skirt in a brown twill pattern; I kind of love it.
It's Always Sunny in Portland
January 6, 2009
i heart forever21, its a nonguilty pleasure…love it.
January 6, 2009
I bought that skirt in black for my little sis for Christmas! Totally adorable.
I begrudgingly put my size back and grabbed hers.
Bryan and Sarah
January 6, 2009
Hey Jordan! I stumbled on your blog from your article about 50 fun things to do with kids in San Francisco. I love the blue skirt, too. I’m going to have to go check out Forever 21. I’ve been browsing and read that you moved to the mission! I’ll miss knowing that your close by, but it sounds like you found a great place. Also, I’m sorry to hear about you Grandparents; I lost my grandpa this Christmas season too. I’ll be thinking of you!
January 6, 2009
hmmm, i will venture there. i think they're a fun, guilty pleasure for cutesy tops & accessories but jeans? okay, we'll try it. i was just at macy's & jeans shopping. tried on a pair of buffalo which i almost loved. why is everything made with stretch so they sag in my bum after i wear them once? (used to be annoyed with length as i'm a shorty but check out an easy hem job at dacia ray!)
*very cute skirt.
January 6, 2009
My favorite pair of jeans? Less than $20 from Target!
I always wonder though, is it ok to be over 30 and shopping at Forever 21? I know the name suggests that in spirit you can be Forever 21, but I always feel like every girl there is 12!
January 6, 2009
I have never been to Forever 21 . Maybe I should go now. $12 jeans is a great deal if they fit so well. loving that skirt…I wish i had the figure to wear that though.
January 7, 2009
I heart Forever 21 – love their stuff. And that skirt you have pictured is very chic…
amber {daisy chain}
January 7, 2009
ooh, buy that skirt, it’s girly and great. and have you tried Citizens jeans? they have a way of looking great on everyone.
January 7, 2009
The jeans I get the most compliments on are from Forever 21 & they are from 2 1/2 years ago!
Nicole Marie
January 7, 2009
i have a pair too and love them!
careful though, the darker colors will rub off on your other clothing. I learned that the hard way
Juliann W
January 7, 2009
Sounds crazy, but I bought four pairs of jeans at Forever 21 over the holidays! And it’s not easy for me to find jeans that fit well.
January 8, 2009
I'm a recent convert to those jeans, too. LOVE them, and am doing my very best to convert all of my friends, too. They fit really well (on different body types) and have a perfect amount of stretch. I'm thinking that I'll stock up, since I'm sure they'll only last a few washings (& turn everything blue in the process)
January 8, 2009
F21 is my go-to store. I have 2 pairs of their jeans and they have lasted me well over a year! The fit is right and the price is undeniably perfect.
January 8, 2009
I stopped by a F21 store to try on the skirt last night, and even though I tried it in both satin and a tone/tone striped cotton (pictured and only $12.50!) it just did not look good on me. I am so in between sizes there and all of the fellow shoppers make me feel old!
January 8, 2009
Ladies, can anyone tell me about the jeans sizing from F21? I was thinking of ordering the $12 skinny jeans, and I usually wear a 4 at J. Crew, Gap, Banana, Anthro, etc. It seems like things might run smaller at F21. Thoughts? Thanks!
January 8, 2009
Just to let you know I have that skirt in a gray twead and love it!
it’s a perfect length and super comfortable.
Isn’t forever 21 great?
mrs. cly
February 9, 2009
love forever 21. i don’t mind that it doesn’t last that long. afterall, its another reason to return to buy more cute things. =)
February 10, 2009
i love forever 21! i was so happy to be able to keep buying $12 jeans in bigger sizes from them instead of buying maternity jeans that fit horribly. =)
and i have a very similar skirt from them, but it’s from last summer:
Laura E
November 30, 2010
forever 21 has really terrible ethical practices and harm many female garment workers in the construction of their 12 dollar jeans. Please watch the film "Made in LA".
Long Suit
December 7, 2010
cheap yet pretty, that's why i love f21.