Now that things have calmed down a little bit around here I’m getting down to all the projects I would’ve normally done the beginning of December. I love giving homemade gifts where I can so this weekend my apartment will be turning into Santa’s workshop. I am testing out my new screen printer {more on that later}, making beeswax candles, bookbinding, and making delicious cookies. I can’t wait, it hasn’t felt like Christmas without fun projects.

December 19, 2008
Handmade is the best (even if a little more time consuming!) – I’ve been trying to share a few projects in amongst the busyness on my blog too.
December 19, 2008
Homemade gifts are the best to give, and to receive! They make Christmas so much more meaningful! Can’t wait to see pics from your holiday projects! 🙂
December 19, 2008
Would love to see details and pics when you’re done!
December 19, 2008
Have fun — I would love to see pics of the finished gifts, too! Last year, I knitted scarves for everyone…this year, not so much! Oh well. Maybe I’ll start gearing up for next year. 🙂 Merry Christmas, Jordan!
December 19, 2008
handmade is delightful, and this weekend will see that from me too. it’s all around me, that spirit of christmas.
December 19, 2008
where is that picture from??
December 19, 2008
there is a source in the corner of the picture.
Jennifer Leal
December 19, 2008
I hope you get to see your grandma Jordan. I am sorry that she is ill.
Alice Q. Foodie
December 19, 2008
that sounds amazing – wish I could spend more time on handmade things – but alas, we have 2 parties this weekend and have to prep for one we’re throwing Tues. It’s all fun stuff though.
Sorry to hear about your grandma. It’s wonderful that you are able to go and be with her.
Kyle and Hillary
December 19, 2008
New screen-printer eh? I am intrigued… have you given up on the Gocco? I love mine and hope something gets figured out for getting more supplies.
Happy Christmas!
December 19, 2008
I just donated a bunch of beeswax 2 days ago. I almost asked if anyone wanted it but I figured no one would. 🙂
Ms. P and C
December 19, 2008
Love that tree! Here’s what I did for some handmade office gifts this year…a big hit!
I really enjoy your blog…from a fellow SF blogger!
December 20, 2008
I love getting thoughtful, handmade gifts, too! This year I topped my gifts with a silhouette of the recipient (black image on white paper) framed in a spray painted dollar store frame in lieu of a gift tag. That’s about all I had time to do. Have fun getting crafty!
PS Love your blog!
December 21, 2008
please post about your new screen printer – you almost have me ready to purchase a Gocco- have you changed to something else? do tell
Jenny M
December 22, 2008
Hi and happy holidays! I was a printmaking major in college, and I have been hoping for any sort of press I could use in the comfort of my own home. Please post the info your silkscreen press. I might need a late Christmas gift for myself!
January 5, 2009
seriously you are my hero. i want to learn how to do all those things you’re doing/have done this christmas. i don’t even know where to start! making candles… bookbinding?? terrific!
ps – just got your email regarding confirming addresses. i’m sitting on my hands, waiting for the first month’s PLT! so excited!