I first heard of Eddie Ross when I saw him on the Martha Stewart blogging show. The Christmas decorating he is doing on his blog is UNBELIEVABLE. He does lots of how-to’s, which makes everything seem almost doable. My new mission: collect vintage ornaments for Holiday Season ’09.
December 18, 2008
oooohh I love Eddie! Heading over there right now!!
December 18, 2008
I have the same mission! I love the wreath! I’m hoping to go on their trip to Scott’s in Atlanta in January. How great would that be?
amber {daisy chain}
December 18, 2008
I stumbled across this Edie Ross blog a few days ago and spent an hour reading the whole thing. Beautiful vintage ornies and love al the how-to’s, a great source of inspiration!
collard green queen
December 18, 2008
I just suggested your work for his letterpress business cards- See his blog–
Eddie Ross
December 18, 2008
You’re so sweet! Thank you so much for the mention! And thanks for reading too!
December 18, 2008
Thank you for posting this. I loved his work on “Top Design” this season and hadn’t thought to look around for his website.
Handmade Education
December 18, 2008
I live across the bay in oakland – thrift stores here are the BEST source for vintage ornaments. They’re less picked over than the SF ones 🙂 I got 80+ ornaments for less that $10 in one thrift store… but now I’m so overwhelmed with vintage christmas stuff!
December 19, 2008
His blog is such a treat–especially since I feel like I can do it, too!
December 19, 2008
If he wasn’t gay and I wasn’t married, I’d move to New York and go after him.
December 19, 2008
Wow! Beautiful!
jennifer lorton
December 21, 2008
I really like that ornament wreath, thanks for sharing. Eddie’s blog is a great find.